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Hot Take Du Jour: Trump's Never Faced an Opponent With Kamala Harris' Raw Talent

Twitchy/Sam J.

Just a few weeks ago many Democrats and media types were saying President Biden should consider dropping Kamala Harris in favor of a different VP heading into the November election. But then the debate happened, and Biden was shown the door. At that point the Dems were pretty much stuck with Harris because it was too late for a primary process. As a result, Kamala is the Dem nominee without ever having gotten a vote (in order to "save democracy"). 


The Dems and media now know what their job is, and some are running with it even faster and more aggressively than others. The Hill has published a hot take that is a warning to Trump -- the same kind of rhetoric the Left served up about Biden until his epic debate implosion: 

First of all, there are two Democrats that's definitely going to leave a mark on:

If by "more talented" the author means "at least Harris went to Wisconsin," then yeah, Kamala's more talented than Hillary. But both Clinton and Biden went through the primary process -- not so much with the very talented Kamala Harris. 

This is yet another op-ed that sounds as if it was written by the Harris campaign:

After Trump reneged on a scheduled ABC News debate in September, Harris deadpanned that while Trump had plenty to say about her, she issued another devastating response that immediately went viral: “Well, Donald, I hope you’ll reconsider meeting me on the debate stage. Because, as the saying goes, ‘If you’ve got something to say, say it to my face.’” 

Before she could finish, a raucous crowd was already chanting the punchline.


The problem with that is, of course, that Trump agreed to debate Joe Biden, who them dropped out after getting wrecked in what was the first of two scheduled debates. There was nothing for Trump to "reconsider" because he never agreed to debate Harris on that day in the first place. 

It's the special brand of "raw talent" that's unburdened by what has been: 

Harris' "raw talent" must still be stored up in the cloud and hasn't yet come down.

The seamless switch from "Biden's great" to "Harris is greater" has been made.

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