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Dr. Fauci Tells 'The View' Dolts That He's Definitely Guilty... of Saving Lives


Former NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci has a book coming out, and as a result he's making the lefty media rounds. Fauci's stops are all at places where nobody will dare question his status as "The Science™" Fauci has no interest in taking questions from anybody who was negatively or tragically affected by all the shutdowns, lockdowns and mandates he supported or the deaths, health issues or long-term educational damage they caused. 


Fauci submitted to a brutal interview with the panel of "The View," half of whom probably still wear masks when they're alone in a car, and all we can say is that his ego survived the pandemic with flying colors: 

This guy has accepted zero responsibility for all the downside of the Covid-era edicts, and that remains the most maddening aspect of this clown who is now comfortably retired on the taxpayer dime (plus whatever money he makes selling his book to sheep who actually believe what he says). 

With any luck the Republicans will win back control of the Senate so Rand Paul can keep pursuing this fraud. 


Fauci has pled guilty to saving lives in the first degree.

Obviously Fauci has no intention of going away as long as there are vacuous media types helping fuel his hero complex.

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