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This Is the Current Status of Biden's $320 Million (at Least) 'Aid for Terrorists' Gaza Pier


As you know, President Biden's several hundred-million-dollar pier that's been used to deliver aid into Gaza (and then swiped by Hamas of course) has become a metaphor of sorts for this administration.


We'll get to the current status in a second, but first this is video showing what it's like on the pier:

Fast forward to this weekend, and for now the pier is not in use because according to CentCom it's been temporarily moved: 

It's going great, y'all!

Here's that full post:

Today, due to expected high seas, the temporary pier will be removed from its anchored position in Gaza and towed back to Ashdod, Israel. The safety of our service members is a top priority and temporarily relocating the pier will prevent structural damage caused by the heightened sea state. 

The decision to temporarily relocate the pier is not made lightly but is necessary to ensure the temporary pier can continue to deliver aid in the future. 

After the period of expected high seas, the pier will be rapidly re-anchored to the coast of Gaza and resume delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza. 

Since May 17, over 3,500 metric tons (7.7 million pounds) have been delivered through the maritime corridor for onward delivery by humanitarian organizations.


We can't say any of this is surprising:

It really is. Just ask former Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

And does anybody belief the price tag on Biden's latest disaster will stop at $320 million?

Top. Men.

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