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Biden Stomps on a Few Self-Awareness Rakes During Lecture About Dictators and Bullies

Meme screenshot

During his speech in France on the 80th anniversary of D-Day, President Biden just couldn't help but try and keep morale up about supporting his effort to keep sending money and weapons to Ukraine for "as long as it takes." Biden even talked about dead Russians:


There were other rather... interesting... moments from Biden in France today:

The White House press office thought this occasion was a good time to put out a reminder that's bereft of self-awareness: 

Really, White House press office person who runs Biden's accounts?


No it isn't.

Not all that long ago Biden and Gavin Newsom made sure the streets of San Francisco were cleaned up and the red carpet was rolled out for China's Xi.

Biden was helping Hamas as much as possible until his pier sank.

Biden supports Zelenskyy cancelling democracy in Ukraine until democracy is restored in Ukraine.

Oh, and then there's the authoritarian thuggery we've seen from these same people in the last few years: 


Projection and gaslighting is all this White House has left. 

Biden also likes to sidestep the Supreme Court. All this while trying to convince everybody Trump's the one who wants to be a dictator. That's rich.

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