Ever since Donald Trump recently brought up the possibility of non-citizens voting in U.S. federal elections, the media instinctively knew what to do. The Democrats know they can always count on the Associated Press:
Noncitizen voting isn't an issue in federal elections, regardless of conspiracy theories. Here's why https://t.co/Kz3aL3PHCQ
— The Associated Press (@AP) April 13, 2024
Oddly enough the AP's story with the headline saying non-citizen voting in federal elections isn't an issue contains some examples that show, yes, it is an issue.
Meanwhile, on MSNBC, there was an attempt to mock calls for voter ID and proof of citizenship to vote. Yep, that's right, the "show me your vax card or lose your job" crowd is decrying "show me your ID" to vote:
MSNBC penal mocks requiring proff pof citizenship to vote: “The question is, who we are going to show proof to? Ms. Susie at the polling place? How is Susie going to verify? Are we asking people to bring their papers? This is America.” pic.twitter.com/Ta3qxLCxFz
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) April 13, 2024
The extra level of irony is that these clowns agree that Republican calls for voter ID are what sows distrust in the integrity of U.S. elections:
In this clip @WalshFreedom mocks Trump voters for distrusting U.S. elections, saying their skepticism can lead to violence. I’m not a Trump voter but I don’t trust elections in many U.S. states either — and that’s because I see how easy Democrats make it to cheat & how… https://t.co/T4qqaVICzG
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) April 13, 2024
Where were these "election skepticism can lead to violence" people in 2016?
We need photo ID for most of the good things in life. Like driving, starting a bank account, buying booze or cigarettes, buying guns and ammo... Voting?
— Unwashed_prol (@AlexanderKsend3) April 13, 2024
We'd even be willing to bet that all those MSNBC boneheads needed to show ID/credentials just to get into the building.
A so called libertarian on state tv. The irony! It’s almost as rich as me pretending to be a conservative on msdnc.
— Joe Scaborough-Brazinski (parody) (@hackshiller) April 13, 2024
But alas, and Walsh will agree, Pravda pays well.
this is very strange — presenting proof of eligibility and identity is a standard practice throughout most of the world’s democracies https://t.co/kgEH66bDm0
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) April 13, 2024
Isn't it odd when the "this is how the rest of the world does it" has no interest in taking that approach when it comes to voter ID or their radical stance on abortion?
— Chad Felix Greene 🇮🇱 (@chadfelixg) April 13, 2024
You do need to show your papers to an official to legally vote.
Why is this controversial? https://t.co/ElwPJ1xHYe
There is zero reason to oppose voter ID and proof of citizenship unless your end goal is to make it far easier to cheat.
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