President Biden and the White House own the disaster at the border, and they know it. The mess started on day one of the Biden presidency:
This could be a lot simpler:
— Doug Powers (@ThePowersThatBe) February 16, 2024
President Biden: Opened the border on day one:
The talking points evolution since then has been something to behold.
For the next three years, Biden and the Democrats insisted the border was secure. When that lie became unsustainable, Biden and the Dems said the border is not secure and it's because Congress refused to take action (all that was of course an excuse to shovel more money to Ukraine and elsewhere). Biden said his hands were tied without Congress doing something:
Karine Jean-Pierre continues to blame Republicans for “playing politics with our national security” and failing to secure the border, adding that it's up to Congress, not Biden, to act.
— (@townhallcom) February 13, 2024
Now the Democrats are saying the border isn't secure because the House Republicans wouldn't take up the "border bill" which mostly focuses on other countries' borders.
The White House's next step seems to be to take executive action at the border, which Biden claimed he couldn't do, and then what'll likely happen at the State of the Union address is claim to have secured the border without any Republican help. Yes, Team Biden is that shameless and that's probably what's going to happen:
“Biden has considered an executive order that would dramatically stanch the record flow of migrants into the Southwest. This could even happen in the two weeks before the address, allowing Biden to say he took action while Republicans just talk.”
— Josh Kraushaar (@JoshKraushaar) February 19, 2024
What a nice picture of Biden aboard one of his beloved choo-choo trains.
Andy McCarthy has pointed out that Biden could have done that the whole time. Or better yet he could have not rescinded Trump's measures that were keeping the border more secure, but that wouldn't have allowed millions of people to stream into the country illegally:
Always remember: Biden has, and has always had as POTUS, the authority to shut the border. He let 6 to 8 million entries happen because he chose to, not because he had to. See 8 U.S. Code §1182(f):
— Andy McCarthy (@AndrewCMcCarthy) February 19, 2024
It might be many years until we understand the massive damage this administration has done to the country and future generations.
So this whole time he could have done something and chose not to
— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) February 19, 2024
But Biden said that he needed Congress to give him that power—which he didn’t, and which he knew he didn’t, and which everyone else knew he didn’t as well.
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) February 19, 2024
This year's State of the Union address is going to set a gaslighting and serial lying record.