The Biden presidency has brought with it such journalistic gems as these from the Washington Post:
Joe and Beau used to watch an eagle soar by the dock.
Now, when Biden steps to a lectern, he will be greeted by a presidential seal. It features as its most prominent symbol a bald eagle, a reminder both of what he has accomplished and what he has lost.
— Matt Viser (@mviser) January 20, 2021
Scrunchies and dog walking: the country gets a taste of Jill Biden's radical normalcy
— Jacqueline Alemany (@JaxAlemany) February 16, 2021
But one executive editor for the Post defended his paper’s objectivity this way during an interview with CNN’s Brian Stelter:
Outgoing top @WashingtonPost editor Marty Baron insists to @BrianStelter WP not “ideologically attached” to the Democratic party. “That’s not true. We are completely independent. We held the Obama administration to account. We fully expect to hold the Biden admin to account.”
— Brent Baker (@BrentHBaker) February 28, 2021
For anybody who’s paid attention to the WaPo’s hackery these past few years, there’s only one possible reaction, and The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway nailed it with this tweet:
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) February 28, 2021
The fact that it was said on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” only adds to the hilarity.
— DammitBlueWasOld (@DCRUSH1) February 28, 2021
— ImNamedJames (@ImNamedJames) February 28, 2021
Brian Stetler to Marty Baron
— BearFlagFan (@BearFlagFan) February 28, 2021
If the Post’s fact-checkers weren’t also in on it, their own editor’s claim would get hit hard:
That merits 10 pinocchios!
— Kathleen Schilling (@kgschilling) February 28, 2021
At least ten Pinocchios required.
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