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Allie Stuckey dropping abortion truth on House Dems (including DWS) caused quite a lib triggering [video]

At a House Oversight Committee hearing on abortion access and “reproductive health care,” Conservative Millennial Alley Beth Stuckey brought some harsh reality with her for Dems on the committee, starting with her opening statement:


Debbie Wasserman Schultz later couldn’t reclaim her time fast enough as she could sense a reality check about to land hard:

For some reason, many abortion cheerleaders don’t like hearing what that which they support actually entails:


Planned Parenthood collectively cringed — not out of horror but rather because what they stand for is being exposed yet again:

Democrats at the hearing will spend the rest of the night trying un-
hear this:

Another Dem didn’t want to hear it:

And of course a Democrat took the predictable “yeah but Republicans don’t care about people after they’re born” approach to deflecting:


They really don’t like being exposed to reality.

Every now and then the truth surfaces, no matter how much the Dems don’t want to hear it.

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