When it comes to “journalism,” CNN is setting a new standard, and it isn’t a good one. Here’s the latest example in a tweet linking a story by CNN’s “chief climate correspondent” about teen climate change activist Greta Thunberg:
Her manner is level and unflinching, her voice soft and halting and she admits she may be the most reluctant activist in modern times. But something about her raw honesty around a message of blunt-force fear turned this girl from invisible to global. https://t.co/ltZXPZLIym
— CNN (@CNN) September 20, 2019
Tons of fawning and Dem narrative pushing, zero actual journalism.
Holy crap, this is actually a tweet sent out by major news org.
No quotes or person attributed to said quote & no mention this is an opinion piece…….just full-fledged propaganda to brainwash the masses.
— Uranium Covfefe (@zoochum) September 20, 2019
Narrator: That “something” has a name. It’s called “hype.” ? #ModernJournalism #GretaThunbergHypeMachine #globaloney https://t.co/RxnMi1Y8PN
— Tom Kattman (@TomKattman) September 20, 2019
The desperate desire for messianic characters for the Left to follow would be funny if it weren’t so authoritarian in its ambition.
This over-the-too portrayal is a prime example of the religiosity underpinning #ClimateChange activism.— Jim Tunney (@JimTunney7) September 20, 2019
One of THE most annoying things about global media conglomerates is the way they pretend that someone a teenager "goes from invisible to global" without large powerful manipulative forces. Not "raw honesty." They don't promote "raw honesty" if they don't agree with it. https://t.co/C8yoHWK3kn
— Tim Graham (@TimJGraham) September 20, 2019
CNN gets religion, coming to a tent near you. https://t.co/NqR5OhtlHV
— rbd1962 (@rbd1962) September 20, 2019
Did she go to China and India since they are the real culprits
— Vman73 (@vman7374) September 20, 2019
This is called using a kid. Sad
— deke lott (@dekelott2) September 20, 2019
This is disgraceful.
— Karen Sutton (@valentine59) September 20, 2019
She is their God….or something….just..wow https://t.co/kGfX0SXig1
— Amy 0311 Mom (@Amyloukingery) September 20, 2019
That CNN tweet sounds like it could have been written by Sarah Silverman.
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