— Sam Valley (@SamValley) March 27, 2017
According to Vox’s Ezra Klein, Americans have two choices when it comes to health care:
American health care can be free market or cheap. It can’t be both. https://t.co/XLJZDJd6ER
— Vox (@voxdotcom) March 27, 2017
The article opens by citing a column by the NYT’s Paul Krugman, so you know right off the bat that the “solution” to making the health care system “cheaper” is for the government to get more involved and crank up spending.
nothing the government done is cheap
— G2 Charlie (@CT_RedSox) March 27, 2017
Two terms that are NOT synonymous are “government-run” and “inexpensive.”
Yes, when I look for the truth on Healthcare, I always turn to @voxdotcom pic.twitter.com/YA5VLmb2AB
— TheRightWingM ?? (@TheRightWingM) March 27, 2017
They simply can't admit that price controls drive prices up. https://t.co/Q0jwvWDr4h
— Anti-Smatter (@mdrache) March 27, 2017
Geniuses at Vox don't get that Price Controls ALWAYS result in increase price, shortages and/or quality deterioration #Econ101 https://t.co/cxfvCtMgwE
— Seymour Sludgeworth (@SSludgeworth) March 27, 2017
Of course it presently is neither https://t.co/WrP0n8B6ze
— CTIronman (@CTIronman) March 27, 2017
Right now it's government controlled and expensive AF
Your argument is, I was gonna say invalid but I'll change it to "stupid" https://t.co/vIErWKMe7o
— DaveinTexas (@DaveinTexas) March 27, 2017
That is not how any other goods or services in human history have ever worked. This is peak economic illiteracy. Medicine isn't magic. https://t.co/aznU5sYfPW
— Strahan Cadell (@Sartor1836) March 27, 2017
Vox content can be intelligent or written by leftist dweebs. It can't be both. https://t.co/ZLWS4HJAhn
— Jason Hart (@jasonahart) March 27, 2017
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