Voting for the next DNC chair has begun, but a last-minute switch had to be made:
DNC chair voting begins. Party had tested clickers for digital voting but is instead using paper ballots, extending process substantially.
— Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps) February 25, 2017
The #DNCChair vote will be done using paper ballots. DNC was going to use an electronic ballot and tested it this morning.
— Beatrice-Elizabeth Peterson (@MissBeaE) February 25, 2017
Democrats going to paper ballots, Chair Donna Brazile says, to prevent glitches w/ electronic system. Longer day now. #DNCChair
— tomfitzgerald (@tomfitzgerald) February 25, 2017
Paper ballots! @donnabrazile decides to scrap electronic voting system for #DNCChair
— Byron LaMasters (@blamasters) February 25, 2017
#DNCChair going with paper ballots
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) February 25, 2017
The WiFi is bad at the #DNCChair vote so they are using paper ballots and having to explain how to do it
— Colin Jones (@colinjones) February 25, 2017
A new DNC chair will be chosen … eventually. And it’s not without a fair share of irony.
@greta are they using paper bc they fear the #Russians hacked the digital voting?
— Thanksgiving Dave (@rink914) February 25, 2017
@greta because they are so progressive! ?
— Terri ?? (@Terrileffel) February 25, 2017
Russia or Germany hacking this one?— Kim Becker (@CICKB) February 25, 2017
Donna Brazile wants paper ballots so each vote and signature can be verified when electing a new #DNCChair, but voter ID is evil.
— Fuzzy Chimp (@fuzzychimpcom) February 25, 2017
Bernie Bros are gonna be in there examining the #DNCChair ballots like…
— Chris Acuff (@cjacuff) February 25, 2017
Representatives unable to attend will be submitting their vote by pigeon messenger.
— Tim Reilly (@LifeOfTimReilly) February 25, 2017
because the Russians lol
— SM (@Scottymcmahon22) February 25, 2017
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