@DavidLimbaugh @DRUDGE_REPORT bias?… what bias?…
— madsenc (@madsenc) February 2, 2015
White House correspondent for American Urban Radio Networks, April Ryan, will be sorry to see President Obama leave office. How moved will she be?
WH Reporter: 'I will probably cry' when Obama leaves office… http://t.co/GDvW3gczIk
At this point, why hide it?
RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: WH Reporter: 'I will probably cry' when Obama leaves office… http://t.co/hQuHZaZZ3V
— Eliana Johnson (@elianayjohnson) February 2, 2015
"Objective" RT @elianayjohnson: RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: WH Reporter: 'I will probably cry' when Obama leaves office… http://t.co/MIiKKeInxA
— Mickey White (@BiasedGirl) February 2, 2015
WH Reporter: 'I will probably cry' when Obama leaves office… http://t.co/LjuzYwlA49 #tcot
— Bill Postmus (@billpostmus) February 2, 2015
But not because of any kind of bias or anything:
Now, as the president enters his final two years, the longest-serving current African-American White House reporter is already looking to the end of his historic term and is trying “to engage” more in the moment of having the first black president in the White House.
“I have got to now take in the moment because when he’s gone, he’s gone,” said Ryan. “I will probably cry when he leaves, not because I like him or anything, and that’s not even the case. I’m a reporter,” she added.
@DRUDGE_REPORT It's amazing that libs don't see the problem with this hero worship from the people who are presumably keeping them informed.
— Steve (TX-32) (@orca11) February 2, 2015
David Limbaugh, like the WH reporter, might mist up when Obama leaves office as well, albeit for different reasons:
Me too, with sheer joy. RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: WH Reporter: 'I will probably cry' when Obama leaves office… http://t.co/34iyYrFjTn
— David Limbaugh (@DavidLimbaugh) February 2, 2015
Many others empathize:
@DavidLimbaugh tears of joy and celebratory toasts!
— Ray T. Mahorney (@wa4wga) February 2, 2015
@billpostmus I'm gonna throw a party.
— Scott Prater (@HotTubScotty) February 2, 2015
@DRUDGE_REPORT I hope he/she means tears of joy!
— MM (@msjmcglynn) February 2, 2015
@billpostmus tears of JOY!!!! 🙂
— Debbie Blount (@bondslave) February 2, 2015
@billpostmus I will too with tears of joy!
— Leslie Ide (@LeslieIde) February 2, 2015
Turns out there have been tears from the start:
“@DRUDGE_REPORT: WH Reporter: 'I will probably cry' when Obama leaves office… http://t.co/tdTpyEF1xk” I cried when he got in!!
— Jim DiStefano (@JimDiStefano) February 2, 2015
@billpostmus I cried when he got in!
— Liane Vinson (@liane2552) February 2, 2015
Pass the Kleenex! ::sniff::
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