White House Senior Communications Adviser Tara McGuinness, whose job it is to make everybody believe her instead of their own lying eyes when it comes to the train wreck that is Obamacare, responded to reports that the White House is planning to delay Obamacare’s individual mandate by warning against believing everything on Twitter. She should know.
If laughter is indeed the best medicine, McGuinness’ tweet may signal one way Obamacare can save lives.
#Meta MT @HealthCareTara Don't believe everything you read on twitter.
— jon gabriel (@exjon) October 23, 2013
@HealthCareTara How much are we taxpayers giving you to be an internet laughingstock?
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) October 23, 2013
Pot, meet kettle. “@HealthCareTara: Don't believe everything you read on twitter.”
— Casey (@space_case12) October 23, 2013
Here are a few examples that make us wonder if @HealthCareTara volunteered to undergo a self-awareness-ectomy to give O-care doctors some practice:
- Shameless! Check out what WH O-Care fake story pusher had unmitigated gall to do
- Unreal: White House Obamacare cheerleader rah-rahs yet another false story
- Pathetic: White House pimps another Obamacare success story that wasn’t successful
- Barry and the Hendersons: Obama flacks dutifully retweeted Obamacare poster boy’s lies
- WH flack @HealthCareTara pushes MMFA spin; Crickets when citizens tell her ‘my plan was canceled’
- Pitiful: ‘Choke on this, peasants!’ WH Obamacare flack retweets Oliver Willis GOP-slam
“Don’t believe everything you read on Twitter.” Classic!
Ha! Secret identity of @HealthCareTara, White House Obamacare flack, revealed?
Editor’s note: The first sentence has been amended to fix a grammatical error.
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