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'The irony'! Look who signed FBI's response to FISA judge swearing that it's 'true and correct' (You CAN'T make this up)

The recent IG report hammered the FBI for its handling of the Russia investigation leading up to the 2016 election. The report also found that bureau personnel made many “errors” in their FISA applications for surveillance of Carter Page.


Seventeen “errors” to be exact, and an instance of flat-out deception:

Horowitz identified 17 errors in the applications for a FISA warrant and three renewals authorizing surveillance of Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. The report noted “multiple instances” of factual assertions that were “inaccurate, incomplete, or unsupported by appropriate documentation.”
Horowitz concluded that an FBI lawyer altered an email message that helped support renewal of the FISA application. A supervisory agent had wondered whether Page had served as a source for another U.S. intelligence agency, a potentially important fact when assessing the significance of Page’s meetings with Russians. In fact, Page had served as an “operational contact” for the agency, or someone who reports his contacts without being tasked. The FBI lawyer inserted the words “not a source” into the email message. While the statement may be literally true, the result was to create a false impression that Page had no relationship with the other agency.

After the IG report was released, a FISA judge demanded explanations from the FBI — now headed by Christopher Wray — for the investigation that happened under James Comey. The FBI has sent their report:


Don’t be drinking anything when you read who was among those vouching for the accuracy of the FBI’s reply to the court:

They’ve got to be kidding.

Just… wow.

“Under penalty for lying I promise I’m not lying this time.” That’s something else.


Does it seem like nobody’s ever held accountable?

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