Yesterday brought with it another impeachment inquiry hearing in the House Oversight Committee, and the media spin is in:
It was a very, very, very bad day for Donald Trump.
— Jonathan Allen (@jonallendc) November 20, 2019
It seems like that’s been reported almost every day for coming up on three years now, so that approach seems to be losing its effectiveness:
We REALLY REALLY REALLY got him now! (Version 8,592)
— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) November 20, 2019
Are the walls closing in? Are conservatives pouncing? Is it the beginning of the end?
I would say wake me up when the histrionics are over but I'd end up like Rip Van Winkle.
— Abe Froman (@Abe_Froman_34) November 20, 2019
— JM (@jmreturnz) November 20, 2019
After today’s hearing an extra “very” (or maybe two) will have to be added to that.
I watched a very, very, very different movie on that screen at the same time.
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) November 20, 2019
— While Supplies Last (@corrcomm) November 20, 2019
Lmfao. Whatever gets you through the night.
— Dana (@inthecounty) November 20, 2019
Are these people watching some special testimony that nobody else is seeing? Or maybe they need a secret decoder ring to get what is so bad for the President. Because all I saw was another total yawn fest. ?
— Habakkuk Girl (@HabakkukGirl) November 20, 2019
How? Do you think the GOP will convict? Do you think voters care?
Nope and nope.
— Dan Gainor (@dangainor) November 20, 2019
Apparently you watched an entirely different set of hearings. No proof was produced today showing that Trump violated any laws. NONE! These #ImpeachmentHearings are a waste of time and taxpayer money. Americans are tired of the games. The polls in November 2020 will prove it
— Angela.Kay (@DeepSouthProud) November 20, 2019
— Ron Coleman (@RonColeman) November 20, 2019
Jonathan Allen, you win "Dumb Ass Tweet of the Day".
— Glen Woodfin (@GlenWoodfin) November 20, 2019
The bubble narrative is set:
no one outside your DC bubble cares
— Caleb Hull ??? (@CalebJHull) November 20, 2019
Inside the beltway, this is undeniably true. Outside, however ….
— David Martosko (@dmartosko) November 20, 2019
And speaking of inside the Beltway, Rep. Ted Lieu agrees, and might even add a couple of “verys” to Allen’s tweet if he could:
— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) November 20, 2019
The media, as usual, has a finger on the pulse of Democrats.
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