As you hear the media parrot constantly, Elizabeth Warren has a “plan” for everything. Whether the plans are good or would result in disaster seem to be of secondary concern for many. Warren’s latest “plan” has some high profile liberal support:
I've got a new plan to accelerate the transition to clean energy and combat climate change. I'm proud it has the support of former Vice President @algore, and @EdMarkey and @AOC—the original authors of the Green New Deal.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) July 10, 2019
Publicly traded companies have an obligation to share important information about their business. But right now they don't share much about how climate change might affect them, their customers, and their investors.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) July 10, 2019
My Climate Risk Disclosure plan requires companies to publicly disclose both environmental & financial climate-related risks to their business. Investors are already divesting from fossil fuel companies, and this will push more investors to divest and transition to clean energy.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) July 10, 2019
We need to take bold action to attack climate change. I'm proud to support the #GreenNewDeal. I've also got plans to invest in clean energy tech and to stop drilling and promote renewables on public lands. This plan is another tool we can use to attack climate change.
— Elizabeth Warren (@ewarren) July 10, 2019
She’s a big proponent of the Green New Deal?
Did you vote for the GND when it came up for a vote?
— Cliff R. Libed (@Sixseat) July 10, 2019
And that’s when it gets awkward:
Fascinating #Campaign2020 dynamics on the Senate floor just now. All 6 senators running for prez there: Booker, Gillibrand, Harris, Klobuchar, Warren, Sanders. Warren and Sanders sat together in a long convo. The others worked the room. All voted “present” on Green New Deal.
— Ed O'Keefe (@edokeefe) March 26, 2019
In other words, this is all more of the same from the climate change alarmist Left:
Is it a 5 year plan, comrade?
— Ken Gardner (@KenGardner11) July 10, 2019
One more thing:
Inconvenient Truth: The Al Gore endorsement is a pretty bad selling point.
— Zac S. Louis ? (@zacslouisrr) July 10, 2019
Good luck with that, Sen. Warren!
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