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To No One's Great Shock Ilhan Omar Doesn't Know What Memorial Day Commemorates

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Memorial Day has been celebrated in various forms all across America for a long long time. Sometimes also known as 'Decoration Day', Memorial Day was first observed as a national holiday on June 30th, 1868 when:


Commander in Chief John A. Logan of the Grand Army of the Republic issued General Order Number 11 designating May 30 as a memorial day “for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village, and hamlet churchyard in the land.”

Now it's understandable that not everyone would know this history of the day, or even the technical meaning of the day (although Lord knows they should), but you'd think that someone who had attained the lofty heights of being elected a member of the US House of Representatives would at least be vaguely conversant in the facts surrounding the day... or have someone on staff who knows this stuff or is able to look it up on Google or something. But Ilhan Omar, always proving that expectations can never be too low, has once again stepped in to remind even the dumbest and most intellectually incurious Americans that they too can one day rise to the position of Congressperson.


(Note: After this story was completed Omar's account deleted the tweet, but the internet is forever)

That's a Veterans Day message, Ilhan. Those we honor and remember on Memorial Day are no longer in much need of quality mental health services and job opportunities, what with being dead. 

She's only off by half a year, that's not so bad right?

She clearly does not, but in fairness they likely weren't teaching kids about the meaning of American holidays in whatever was passing for 'schools' in Mogadishu back in the 80's and 90's.


Yeah... you shouldn't hold your breath on that one. Ilhan Omar has more important things to worry about than what day is meant for what when it comes to America's servicemembers, assuming she ever thinks of Americas servicemembers in a positive light at all which seems doubtful.



Oh they know about it, but only as something that they think of as being a tool of oppression used against other countries. Anybody who thinks Ilhan Omar actually grieves for American dead hasn't been paying attention.

Surely there's someone in Minnesota's 5th Congressional district who knows even the smallest amount about America and its history, and maybe that person can be someone who actually likes America as well. Is that too much to ask of them as they select their representation in Congress? Apparently so.

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