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New York Times Verification Badge is GONE and People Think They Know Why

AP Photo/Mark Lennihan, File

To say that the legacy media hasn't covered itself in glory during the early days of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would be an understatement. News outlets have been fast out the door to blast out news talking points delivered to them by the Palestinian terror group Hamas while it seems to take forever for any correction to work its way through the system once it becomes clear that Hamas has shockingly been lying. Apparently, Elon Musk and the folks at Twitter HQ have taken notice of the more egregious examples of this coming out of The New York Times because as of this morning, Twitter seems to have stripped the 'Verified Organization' badge from the New York Times' profile.


Now it's fully possible that the New York Times chose to pull down their own verification badge, although it's hard to imagine why they would do it, especially unannounced. It's unclear when exactly this occurred or, assuming it was Musk behind this decision if other media organizations should look to see similar action taken if Musk feels that they're not maintaining journalistic ethics. But let's set aside the possible long-term implications of the move and just revel in the fun it provides, shall we?


Of course, some feel that this doesn't go far enough.

Even Bavarians are chiming in with their own news sources they'd like to see given the same treatment!

And Canadians! Truly an item of international interest!

Again it's fully possible this is an unannounced move by the New York Times but the general Twitter consensus is that Musk did this as a gag, which knowing Elon Musk doesn't seem at all outside the realm of possibility. We're sure that if Musk was behind it it won't be long until he makes a comment about it though; after all, what's the fun if you don't get to gloat?



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