What if David Icke, famous British sports reporter turned conspiracy theorist messiah who introduced the world to the secret, global Reptilian cabal, was right all along?
And what if Ukraine knows and knows that Russia knows, who is collaborating with the Reptilians, and Mexicans for some reason, and ... MICHAEL KNOWLES JUST EXPOSED EVERYTHING!
But let's start from the beginning.
English speaking spokesperson for the Ukrainian military: Ukraine will hunt down "Russian propagandists" around the world. pic.twitter.com/hjIE1UKhAz
— Na'omi Ducaena Allen (@ducaena) September 12, 2023
'Next week the teeth of the Russian devils will gnash ever harder, and their rabid mouths will foam in uncontrollable frenzy.’
Dude, we mean ... spokeswoman for Ukraine is serious.
All this JUST as Russia corroborated the Mexican reptilian alien discovery!
The findings of the Russian team were independently corroborated by Mexican biologist José de la Cruz Ríos López.
— Clint Ehrlich (@ClintEhrlich) September 13, 2023
He determined that the specimens were "humanoid reptiles."
They have no hair, no nipples, and their skin is covered in scales. pic.twitter.com/lhen9rbtG5
Could it really all be a coincidence?
Michael Knowles may know too much.
The findings of the Russian team were independently corroborated by Mexican biologist José de la Cruz Ríos López.
— Clint Ehrlich (@ClintEhrlich) September 13, 2023
He determined that the specimens were "humanoid reptiles."
They have no hair, no nipples, and their skin is covered in scales. pic.twitter.com/lhen9rbtG5
So, uh...after my Twitter thread criticizing this guy...should I be worried? https://t.co/5pbzuoVzsB
— Michael Knowles (@michaeljknowles) September 13, 2023
Oh no, Michael, what have you gotten yourself into?
Quickly, Michael! Hoist the flag, 🇺🇦 lest ye be grouped with the propagandists!
— Rummy™ (@skipTestDeploy) September 13, 2023
*hissing noise* pic.twitter.com/5Pq5STEyy2
— cerwinliveIG (@cerwinliveIG) September 13, 2023
Probably, that dude is creepy
— Tyler 🇺🇸 (@TylerOutWest) September 13, 2023
Maybe it wouldn't be too bad.
As long as you used "ma'am" you're probably ok.
— rusty stonelake (@collectorgrid) September 13, 2023
Maybe the Reptilians aren't the real conspiracy here.
— Katch22 🍊 (@kalyx2020) September 13, 2023
Oh the drama! The pauses….between…each…word…while holding back tears and having a stiff upper lip, then the Strong Clearly “FEMALE” Emotions becaus if there’s one thing that makes this DUDE a girl it’s EmPhAsIzE EvErYtHiNg We SaY iNcOrReCtLy! Honestly…these people can’t be…
— AZCactusflower🌵 (@az_cactusflower) September 13, 2023
I thought this was parody. Creepy but parody. Never even turned the sound on. The movement and expression on the lips were so dramatic I thought it was old school 2nd city stuff.
— Hankthegolden (@Hanktheg0lddog) September 13, 2023
Maybe if we have to choose between the Reptilians, Ukraine and Russia...
I'm rooting for Russia
— Andrew Thierry (@andrew_thierry) September 13, 2023
Someone get Michael to a safe house!
It'll all pass over soon.
We hope.
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