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Connecticut Democrats Fly Pride Flag at Half-Staff to 'Honor' Fallen State Trooper

AP Photo/Morry Gash, File

"UNFREAKINGBELIEVABLE" is how Libs of TikTok describes and this editor didn't believe it himself until we watched the news segment. It's real.

You know, obviously, that everything is a symbol of white supremacy. The thin blue line flag is now considered racist because liberals saw it as a response to the Black Lives Matter flags flying everywhere. That flag honors police officers, who kill upstanding black men for no reason.


So when the town of Wethersfield, Connecticut gathered for a pride event, town Democrats refused to fly the thin blue line flag because it represents "racism and antagonism." Besides, they'd already lowered the pride flag to half-staff in his honor.

For real.

Tom Shattuck reports on Emily Zambrello, the town council member who voted down a motion to fly the thin blue line flag.


He had a wife and two children.


And been charged with a hate crime, no doubt.


It already did at the White House last Pride Month.

"We'll be dispatching a drag queen immediately."


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