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Reuters Reports That Aid Coming Through Biden's Pier Has Been Stolen

Artist Angie

Has the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore been fixed yet? President Joe Biden has proven with his Gaza pier project that the administration can get something done if it really wants to. It was during his State of the Union address that Biden announced the U.S. military would be deployed to Gaza to build a pier so that relief ships could get aid to the Palestinian people faster. Technically, there would be no U.S. boots on the ground in Gaza … troops would build the entire thing offshore and then push it into place.


Two months and more than $320 million later, Gaza has a new pier for unloading badly needed humanitarian aid from ships. The Associated Press reported that the first line of trucks came across the pier Friday, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said “more than 300 pallets” of aid were in the initial delivery and handed over to the U.N., which was preparing it for distribution.

According to Reuters military and intelligence correspondent Phil Stewart, though, most of the aid was stolen as soon at it hit land.

"No deliveries on Sunday or Monday."


"The problem was always after it enters Gaza, not delivering TO Gaza. Stop being morons. Stop blaming Israel. Blame Hamas for whatever issues there are."

Plenty of aid is getting into Gaza … the problem is getting it to the Palestinians before Hamas takes it.


The pier seemed like an idiotic idea at the time, but "Genocide Joe" was desperate to get aid to the poor Palestinians. Will this get him the votes he needs in Dearborn?


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