NBC News is proving on New Year's Day that it's going to continue its downward slide into unseriousness. There are plenty, like the Washington Post's Philip Bump, who are desperately clinging to the "no direct evidence" line when it comes to President Joe Biden profiting from his son's influence peddling. NBC News appears to be among them, saying that Congress is entering the new year facing a slew of big fights, including "threats to impeach President Biden despite the lack of an impeachable offense."
Republicans should have already impeached Biden over his refusal to do his job and secure the border.
From confrontations over government funding and foreign aid to Republican threats to impeach President Biden despite the lack of an impeachable offense, a divided Congress is entering the new year facing a slew of big fights. https://t.co/uPw7PLJ6mo
— NBC News (@NBCNews) January 1, 2024
Sahil Kapur reports:
House Republicans closed out 2023 by voting unanimously to formalize their impeachment inquiry into Biden, giving them power to enforce their subpoenas. In 2024, they’ll have to decide whether to actually impeach him or back off.
But it continues to be an inquiry in search of an impeachable offense, as many Republicans admit they still don’t have direct evidence that connects transgressions by Hunter Biden to his father. The White House and Democrats have torched the inquiry as a partisan stunt by a GOP majority that has nothing meaningful to offer voters and is seeking retribution on behalf of Donald Trump.
Just because NBC News doesn't report on the evidence revealed by the House Oversight Republicans doesn't mean it doesn't exist. "Many Republicans admit they still don't have direct evidence." How many is many? Did Kapur ask?
Bribery, mishandling classified information, and corrupting justice to try to cut your son a sweetheart plea deal that fell apart in open court, would all be impeachable offenses.
— Sunny (@sunnyright) January 1, 2024
Bribery is an enumerated impeachable offense
— Rani, Last of The Red Hot Boomers (@ShadesOfRani) January 1, 2024
Biden stopped an investigation into corruption and his son with a bribe of a billion dollars. But sure, nothing impeachable.
— Kent Moore (@kentrmoore) January 1, 2024
"despite the lack of impeachable evidence" pic.twitter.com/eoHmjaDUNY
— Ol' Blue (@fatguidehiking) January 1, 2024
Democrats can't even defend Biden's claim that he never talked business with his son — now they have to tell themselves Hunter got dad on the speakerphone during overseas business meetings to talk about the weather, and that Biden called in because he loves his son — an actual claim from the White House's Ian Sims.
An "impeachable offense" is whatever a majority of the House says it is. But, hey, you do you, NBC.
— Merlin&Freyja2024! (@Merlin80643296) January 1, 2024
Face the slew of this ratio.
— Based Buc-ee (@Natnl_Disgrace) January 1, 2024
Financial documents, recordings, eyewitnesses…that’ll NEVER hold up in any court of law!!
— Geoffrey Pereira (@PolAdIntel14) January 1, 2024
If some of the Ukraine aid is being used to keep his son’s business associates quiet, there’s a whole lot of reasons for impeachment
— Joe (@jwh4244) January 1, 2024
More evidence than the past two impeachments
— Ray (@girlydrinkdrunk) January 1, 2024
Failure to protect and defend our borders is an impeachable offense.
— Ravin’ Dave (@daveswrite) January 1, 2024
You guys are really on a roll in 2024. 🙄 Dem propaganda network.
— Clyde Torkle (@ChickenPit7) January 1, 2024
NBC News could have committed journalism and left "despite the lack of an impeachable offense" out of its tweet, but they couldn't help themselves. NBC News was really a dumpster fire in 2023 and it looks like 2024 will be more of the same.
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