First, we've been reliably informed that the number one killer of children is guns, not drowning. That might be true if you count all the 19-year-old gangbangers in Chicago children. But for children ages 1 to 4, the CDC says the leading cause of death is drowning.
The New York Times says we've been making progress for 30 years in preventing drownings, but not only are they making a comeback — they're targeting some racial groups.
Drowning is the leading cause of death for children ages 1 to 4, the CDC says.
— The New York Times (@nytimes) July 8, 2023
Thirty years of progress in decreasing drowning deaths in the U.S. now appears to have plateaued, and disparities in deaths among some racial groups have worsened.
Bodies of water are racist.
— Thirteen O'Clock - Todd (@o_thirteen) July 8, 2023
“Black children between ages 5 and 9 are 2.6 times more likely to drown in swimming pools than white children, and those between ages 10 and 14 are 3.6 times more likely to drown.” Is this study controlled for socioecon status?
— Sarah Beth Burwick (@sarahbeth345) July 8, 2023
😂😂 Started reading the headline was wondering when the race baiting would enter the subject. Oh there it is.
— 4Freedom72 (@4Freedom72) July 8, 2023
We need a national conversation about pools
— 🪐 Space Man (@SpaceDaddy333) July 8, 2023
Wait. What? I thought you said it was guns. #liars
— Oռⲩⲭ (@x__onyx__x) July 8, 2023
Pools are racist.
— Seth Dillon (@SethDillon) July 8, 2023
Imagine viewing every waking moment through the glasses of skin color. Takes a special kind of racist to do that.
— Doctor Dystopia (@D0ct0r_Dyst0pia) July 8, 2023
I want @POTUS to use his powers to pass common sense swimming pool reform. Our children are literally being massacred 😭
— Jason (@JasonRavenson) July 8, 2023
We must ban assault pools.
— Jason and A Bunch of Numbers (@Jason41875257) July 8, 2023
Everything is measured in terms of race & racism IS the reason for any statistical difference no matter how slight according to woke idiots. Waiting to find out which toothpastes and dental floss are the most racist next.
— B B (@BB2921773954898) July 8, 2023
Child drownings are bad, but they're especially bad because of racial disparity. Is this what the CDC does all day?
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