I sort of have a soft spot for art critic Jerry Saltz, as he once called Twitchy parent site Townhall “very much part of far right-wing 90 percent all-white ethno-nationalist Republican Party … morally damaged certifiably insane Murder Incorporated traitor to country bad daddy-issues thing with authority machine.” Ninety percent all-white … that’s pretty white.
Saltz is one of those people who’d never catch our eye with his art criticism but some of his tweets belong in a museum. He’s one of those accounts that you can’t tell is a parody of progressivism or not, it’s so over-the-top. He says Republicanism needs to be “isolated and snuffed out” like the coronavirus, and that’s one of his tamer tweets.
Plus, the guy looks like a total beta.
Glenn Greenwald caught Saltz on Instagram doing what cults do: demanding you cut off and shun anyone who disagrees with you.
The long-time art critic for @NYMag, @jerrysaltz, instructed his Instagram followers yesterday to "shun" everyone – including family members and close friends – who voted Republican, and they shouldn't even provide an explanation: just cut off all ties.https://t.co/NHU2RqbBgZ pic.twitter.com/ceNVcQUQLr
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 6, 2023
Excising everyone in your life who has different political views than you – including your parents, siblings and children – seems like a very psychologically unhealthy thing to do.
Doing that as a journalist seems fatal to the job, as well as psychologically ill.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 6, 2023
Republicans, as they are, no longer have what might be called your polite “political views.” They are anti-democratic, authoritarian. But you know this already and want to shade things to “both sides.” Fine by me. I seem to have caused a rumble up in your office.
— Jerry Saltz (@jerrysaltz) March 6, 2023
No, you have caused any rumble at all — maybe a few eye-rolls at best. But Jerry … can we call you Jerry? … can you tell us when Republicans did have “polite” political views that you could see yourself agreeing with? Do Democrats currently have polite political views?
Being told to cut yourself off from friends, family or anyone else who might not drink the Kool-Aid is a classic cult technique
— Lewis Withrow (LB) (@LewisWithrow5) March 6, 2023
That was also tried with the separation of the jabbed and unjabbed.
— Florida Native (@OliviaFLNative) March 6, 2023
Funny culty vibes.
— Angela Richter (@AngelaRichter_) March 6, 2023
I seriously doubt if Jerry has talked to a real conservative in this decade.
— Musings of a nobody (@JustaCi54400863) March 6, 2023
So THATS why @jerrysaltz has been avoiding me for the last five years.
— Thomas Hawk (@thomashawk) March 6, 2023
And yet, they see don’t themselves as the divisive polarizing types.
— justakidfromlbc (@justakidfromlbc) March 6, 2023
he looks like an elderly soyjack
Soyface transcends age pic.twitter.com/5JuPuA8Q6Y
— karlstack.substack.com (@realChrisBrunet) March 6, 2023
And these people think they are the good guys 🙄
— Jack Spitz (@JackSpitz5) March 6, 2023
Their entire missive is hate and division.
— Daniel Stroup (@DanielStroupArt) March 6, 2023
They should cut all ties and interaction.
Including with people who supply food, gas, heat, electricity, etc…— MattBan (@1stFreeMatt) March 6, 2023
That is cult behavior, pure and simple.
— False Premise (@PremiseFalse) March 6, 2023
That’s because he has no friends or family and wants everyone else to be miserable like he is.
— LG in AZ (@lgadbery) March 6, 2023
This is what "inclusion" looks like to the dedicated Democrat today.
— Prickly Mystic (@MysticPrickly) March 6, 2023
Oh, we almost forgot … we want to bring back lynching. Why haven’t we, then? Where are all the lynchings?
I would appreciate him leaving me alone
— 5,000 5,000 (@SteeeeveMichael) March 6, 2023
Gosh, makes me wish we were related so I could be apart of the shunned crowd.
— Tootsiebug (@Moochie7426) March 6, 2023
@jerrysaltz is the worst! The absolute worst when it comes to politics. He’s the epitome of why the left is no longer the left.
— stacey cook (@staceyLcook) March 6, 2023
Is there nobody in Jerry's life who loves him enough to intervene in his descent into madness?
— NuNyo (@Nu_Ny0) March 6, 2023
Imagine just letting that hate go … engaging with a diverse group of people … finding out what they really stand for instead of accusing them of wanting to bring back lynchings.
Maybe it’s reviewing contemporary art that’s driven him mad:
NY Mag senior art critic rages at ‘traitor’ Christina Pushaw about her ‘bad daddy-issues’ and membership in ‘90% all-white ethno-nationalist’ GOP https://t.co/Pn1CcAvcO7
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) April 21, 2022