We don’t normally do posts on Twitter randos unless their takes are too hot to ignore. Proponents of critical race theory and anti-racism really just want one thing: for white people to be aware of their “whiteness” and what that means in a society that was built on white supremacist roots — and then dismantle that society. That’s why researchers have done studies to define whiteness and why the government sends executives to three-day reeducation camps to deconstruct white culture.
All we know about Caitlin Johnstone is what she tells us, and that’s that she writes about “the end of illusions.”
Becoming conscious as a white person is a little bit like waking up with a bad hangover, covered in blood and surrounded by dead bodies, and slowly realizing that you're holding the murder weapon.
— Caitlin Johnstone ⏳ (@caitoz) June 26, 2021
we’ve all been there
— Chet Archbold (@Erkenbald) June 28, 2021
White people talk about "white guilt" like it's this horrifying dangerous thing made of molten lava that will kill you if you don't run away from it as fast as you can. But coming to conscious terms with your place in the world will bring up many emotions, like grief, and guilt.
— Caitlin Johnstone ⏳ (@caitoz) June 26, 2021
It's not ABOUT the guilt, it's about becoming aware of reality. But the guilt is there, waiting to be felt, and you're either conscious of it and real about it or you're not. Pretending it's not there just makes you defensive and aggressive.
— Caitlin Johnstone ⏳ (@caitoz) June 26, 2021
Narrator: It’s about the guilt. With guilt, people have something to capitalize upon. It’s a tool they can leverage to get what they want.
People are responding to this thread like I'm suggesting something dangerous, and I promise you I'm not. Becoming an authentic person will bring up a lot of feelings, and it's safe to feel those feelings. Feelings are meant to be felt.
— Caitlin Johnstone ⏳ (@caitoz) June 26, 2021
And some threads are meant to be ratioed.
— Lawyer Cat* (@LawyerCat_) June 26, 2021
After years of questioning the state she finally admits 2+2=5 and shuffles off to the cafe.
— Ben James (@Ivebenjames) June 26, 2021
— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) June 27, 2021
Meth, not even once.
— Physics Geek (@physicsgeek) June 26, 2021
— Okay. (@corrcomm) June 26, 2021
Christ, they got you too
— Ben James (@Ivebenjames) June 26, 2021
— ZUBY: (@ZubyMusic) June 26, 2021
I want to know more about how you know precisely what this feels like https://t.co/RDq7TsbSez
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) June 28, 2021
✍🏼uh✍🏼oh✍🏼 pic.twitter.com/llrpRbTTvN
— Siraj Hashmi (@SirajAHashmi) June 26, 2021
Collective guilt is as toxic as collective pride.
— little green guy 🏴💛 (@MarkuDeetu) June 26, 2021
Yeah my Polish grandmother is just shaking with her white guilt after the 20th century
— Rationality Defined As Such (@DefinedSuch) June 26, 2021
I tried, but best I could do is feeling like I woke up with a scratchy throat in a car illegally parked and a registration that expired the day before and slowly realizing it was my car. I guess I need to work on my consciousing.
— MightBe DB Cooper (@MightBeDBCooper) June 27, 2021
Sounds like you're projecting your personal guilt onto others so you don't have to bear it alone. Are you trying to admit to something?
— George Alexopoulos (@GPrime85) June 26, 2021
Who did you hurt and when?
— Libertaaron (@The_Libertaaron) June 26, 2021
This is not becoming conscious, this is hallucinating
— Daniel (@alacrates) June 26, 2021
This is how people’s desires for justice are being manipulated. This is why people are walking around in a trance-like state repeating that “people are hurting” in the freest, most prosperous society on earth.
— Mike Gonzalez (@Gundisalvus) June 26, 2021
This is how a white woman can charge other white women to learn about “undoing whiteness” through yoga.
This is a pathologocal self-loathing masquerading as self-examination.
— Remy Sharpe ☀️⚔️ (@Theremysharpe) June 26, 2021
— Jiiimbo 🌮⚡🌽☣ (@jbhoz) June 27, 2021
You deserve this ratio
— Spooky ??? (@ArielRensch) June 27, 2021
— esafille (@esafille) June 28, 2021
Caitlin I say this with love because I think you're a fascinating person, very funny, and a brilliant writer.
This tweet fucking sucks.
— Ray Kooyenga (@RayKTweets) June 26, 2021
My sentiments, exactly.
— DadABase.DGB (@JohnnyLaw2021) June 26, 2021
Thank god we have you to tell us how to become authentic.
— Tony King ⚓️ (@CombatAdjutant) June 27, 2021
Lady, what happened to you?
Despite a few self-induced breaks, I've been conscious since birth, if not before. I've been learning who I am all my life, and none of that has been the result of repetitive lectures and political peer pressure. I'm not perfect, but I know who I am.
— melvis 🇺🇲 (@wxmel) June 26, 2021
Everyone alive today would be holding the murder weapon if sin is inherited. It's that very illiberal, uncontructive, neo-religious belief system that is currently paving all sorts of roads to Hell
— Emm Gifts (@EmmGifts) June 26, 2021
Telling others how they ought to feel when they accept what you purport to be reality is not only depriving them of individual agency and sovereignty, but it is also the epitome of "privilege" to assume that you know what is "real" for them and how they should feel about it.
— ∞ΨInfiniteMindΨ∞ (@Transpersonal) June 28, 2021
I'm not my skin color. No one is, not any more than they are their hair color, eye color, or nose shape. Owning responsibility for all the good and bad deeds done by anyone who ever historically had your skin color is intensely narcissistic.
The guilt comes from elsewhere.
— Andre St. David (@DreStDavid) June 26, 2021
This is ridiculous
— CryptoNoob (@moynihan_alan) June 26, 2021
— DUTCH.HODL (@SStacksats) June 27, 2021
My ancestors were a rabble of poor peasants, starving farmers, debtors in prison from many ethnicities/races who conquered no one. Their role in conquest was as conscripts or victims. Any blood on them is their own. Same for 99% of folks . Take your elite tribalism elsewhere
— Grandpa jenkins (@Grandpa_jenkins) June 27, 2021
1) What an unfortunate and irrational way to esteem yourself. I’m sorry you think unearned guilt and shame are appropriate or even healthy. Imagine a parent telling you how awful you are, and embracing that message as the truth. Why is it any less awful in this case but for the
— Mark Pellegrino (@MarkRPellegrino) June 27, 2021
2) social cred you get from pointless self flagellation. You can still acknowledge the sins of the past and their present impacts without being responsible for them in any way. Claiming you are in some way complicitous is a masochist’s errand.
— Mark Pellegrino (@MarkRPellegrino) June 27, 2021
Rebranding the Marxist theory of “class consciousness” in a desperate attempt to be relevant.
— Not Yohn Thtossel’s Mustache (@Trustinscience2) June 26, 2021
What is wrong with you people?!!! What is this intense self-hatred?
— Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju) June 28, 2021
It's not self hatred. It's a high they get from appearing virtuous to others and themselves through no effort.
— Elle Driver's Firebird (@JacobyChrisrt) June 28, 2021
But just imagine how much better you feel when you accept all of that guilt.
WaPo taps ‘mental health experts’ to guide white people on coming to terms with their white ‘shame’ and atoning for their whiteness https://t.co/6TvFXGwXH5
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) June 21, 2021
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