You might be surprised to learn that Sen. Cory Booker hasn’t yet dropped out of the race for the Democratic nomination. He didn’t qualify for a spot at the most recent debate, and no one really knows where he is except the basement of every poll out there.
The Los Angeles Times thinks something’s wrong there. Why is someone as charismatic as Booker just limping along when all signs suggest he should be a top-tier candidate (like Kamala Harris claimed she was before dropping out)?
The photo of Booker speaking to a crowd of seven women in an Iowa bowling alley is a nice touch.
With so much promise, why is Cory Booker's campaign falling flat?
— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) December 26, 2019
Me, personally…
Cory Booker, doesn't make me feel any type of way.
So…. yeah.
— Emerge Peoria (@EmergePeoria) December 26, 2019
He’s the male Kamala Harris
Tries to hard, feels disingenuous
— Based Elvis (@Steve_SoSquare) December 26, 2019
We got a feel for the real Harris and Booker when we saw them grandstanding at the Brett Kavanaugh hearings — talk about trying too hard.
He revealed his real self and we don't like who he is.
— Eleanor Cromwell (@EleanorCromwell) December 26, 2019
Because he has the personality of a bagel.
— Christopher Garske?? (@ChrisAlanGarske) December 26, 2019
Maybe perma startled look???
— JustMyOpinion (@MalibuMom62) December 26, 2019
Angry Eyes Spartacus?
— Wm. Brady (@WilliamBradyCoS) December 26, 2019
Cory is a little bug eyed. Scares me. Scares a lot of people.
His imaginary friend T-Bone reminds me of Corn Pop.
Kind of hope he leaves me alone if we are ever in the bathroom together.
— Plugs Biden (@MisterTSOB) December 26, 2019
He's kinda creepy.
— Just Liz ? (@eallen83) December 26, 2019
Not sure why anyone thought his campaign had any promise. It never got off the ground and never was going to get traction. That he is running is the issue.
— Tim O'Brien (@Timobns) December 26, 2019
Promise is just a fancy spin on "hasn't done anything yet"
— Kyle Beckley (@Kyle_Beckley) December 26, 2019
Imagine thinking that Cory Booker had promise ???
— The Institution (@PodyChris) December 26, 2019
"so much promise" lol
— Bourgeois Norm (@tarianbro) December 26, 2019
Could not take him seriously after he called himself Spartacus
— Uli Kunkel (@UliKunkel2) December 26, 2019
Because he’s a dud?
— Leslie Farrow (@farrow_leslie) December 26, 2019
This must be a joke
— ?Katie Yonke? (@JKHomestead) December 26, 2019
Because he offers nothing
— NotoriousBob (@NotoriousBob5) December 26, 2019
Spartacus? What's he ever done? Affirmative action admit to Ivy that discriminated against an Asian-American to let him in. Empty promises in Newark that fleeced some liberals looking for good press just once. There's room for a sane moderate but instead he pandered left.
— Thistle-at-Law (@WallyStummy) December 26, 2019
Because he is an empty suit
— onnpoint (@Bobfran13782946) December 26, 2019
Becuase he is not presidential material. He’s a clown.
— Gingee Lea?????✊???? (@theredheadrides) December 26, 2019
Weak message (parroted other candidates)…
Poor political track record…
Overmatched and outclassed…
— The Shark (@MTSHARK1952) December 26, 2019
because he's fake and it's obvious.
— Jim Peeps (@Jimpeeps12) December 26, 2019
Because he’s a grandstanding loser with no original ideas that’s accomplished nothing for his home state.
— Max Peters (@TikiMaximus) December 26, 2019
Booker is yet another sneering, nagging Democrat. In other words, he's just a face in an overbearing liberal crowd.
I'm aware that it's anathema to you contemporary Democrats to actually run someone who isn't supercilious, arrogant and entirely insufferable.
— Joe the Dissident (@joethepatriotic) December 26, 2019
Promise? The guy’s a dud! He has NO personal trait you can relate to; He’s a pandering idiot who all he does is scream and yell about racism, xenophobia and why life’s unfair. And his policies are total crap! That’s why!
— Max Ghezzi (@maxghezzi) December 26, 2019
Because he had an imaginary friend and looks weird when he gets mad. Also, he’s a stupid leftist.
— Missile Toe (@corrcomm) December 26, 2019
Because most ppl see that he’s one of the biggest idiot demagogues ever?
— Chad Dawkins (@chad_dawkins) December 26, 2019
Because he's a fraud.
— JDubF (@JDubF4) December 26, 2019
Because he’s an inauthentic douche canoe??
— XXL COOL J (@jamesecoulter) December 26, 2019
Cory Booker, that’s why.
— Eric (@elane1013) December 26, 2019
So much promise.
Hot 'n heavy: Rosario Dawson says BF Cory Booker's grand romantic gestures include reading her a WWII novel over the phone
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) October 18, 2019
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