We’ve seen these shirts before — believe us, whenever the mainstream media has to cover a Trump rally, they go out of their way to photograph the most extreme signs and shirts — and we can’t say we’re fans. We call out journalists for bias and fake news all the time on this site, but suggested they be hanged is a bit much.
However, what happens when a man wearing such a shirt boards an airplane and other passengers feel threatened? It’s just a T-shirt, obviously, but on Friday there was quite a back and forth over what United should have done.
My brother is on a @united flight from LA to Boston and saw this guy boarding with a shirt that reads “Rope. Tree. Journalist. Some assembly required.” #thread pic.twitter.com/MWy5HnDxzI
— Jessica Sidman (@jsidman) October 11, 2019
He told the flight attendant and she asked what he wanted her to do.
— Jessica Sidman (@jsidman) October 11, 2019
He told her he didn’t want one passenger threatening to kill other passengers.
— Jessica Sidman (@jsidman) October 11, 2019
He told her @United should do the right thing. She went to talk to the captain.
— Jessica Sidman (@jsidman) October 11, 2019
Then security pulled my brother off the plane. He talked to a security official.
— Jessica Sidman (@jsidman) October 11, 2019
The security guy said they couldn’t do anything just because it was offensive.
— Jessica Sidman (@jsidman) October 11, 2019
My brother said it wasn’t offensive, it was THREATENING.
— Jessica Sidman (@jsidman) October 11, 2019
They offered to put my brother on another flight. They didnt say anything to the guy with the shirt.
— Jessica Sidman (@jsidman) October 11, 2019
We know that prima donna journalists like Jim Acosta consider their lives in danger at Trump rallies whenever the president starts in about fake news being the enemy of the people, but was this an overreaction? What should United have done?
It's a stupid shirt and opinion, but it's irrational to choose to interpret a tee as a threat and upset oneself. Exercise intellectual integrity and acknowledge that you want to stop folks down so @united can enforce a dress code. Argue for THAT.
— lizbuddie (@lizbuddie) October 12, 2019
@united you need to review your policy about how to handle a threat. What’s the difference between a T-shirt and the man holding a sign that said the same? I’m horrified you let him stay.
— Regan Fletcher Stephens (@ReganStephens) October 12, 2019
— tom (@tomd44) October 12, 2019
. It’s only a threat if he’s readily capable of doing such action. I doubt there is a tree or a rope on that plane. Therefore it’s free speech.
— Antonio Salguero (@Salguero4Senate) October 11, 2019
The First Amendment does protect everyone-and the US Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that hate speech is legally protected under the First Amendment
— Tim Jeffreys (@RadioTimJ) October 11, 2019
First, "Fighting words" are not protected, and that shirt *easily* can be seen as inciting violence.
Second, United is a private company, not Congress. Zero First Amendment application. Sorry.
— Trevor S. Valle (@tattoosandbones) October 12, 2019
Are there no rules? I would be wary of sitting next to this man
— paulaptb (@paulaptlb) October 12, 2019
relax, it's just a tshirt
— Tina Shumway (@TiffClina) October 11, 2019
Yeah freedom of speech is threatening. Or, maybe you could recognize that journalists are mostly propagandists and that folks are getting very frustrated about it?
— Rob McNealy (@RobMcNealy) October 11, 2019
@united you are shameful. That man was threatening to passengers. He should have been removed. Not the threatened passengers. I’ll send this to the @FBI maybe they can straighten it out.
— Windwalker ? (@windwalker1020) October 12, 2019
Yeah, maybe the FBI can straighten this out.
replace "journalist" with "president" and see how little they can do about offensive shirts
— basic white dude (@mediumcooI) October 12, 2019
I find it offensive that your brother took this man’s photograph without his consent.
— Doc (@RidemDoc) October 12, 2019
@United, I stand with others, as a customer, demanding that you to take a stand against people being able to wear THREATENING messages.
— Perrkj ?? (@mitgoalie) October 11, 2019
How did he get through @TSA?
— Joe Flood (@joeflood) October 11, 2019
Pretty damn easily, we’d guess … walking through like everyone else.
Good thread with some great points, however, to me, it's just a shirt with words on it. You may think it "easily" incites violence, but I disagree. As for the 1st amendment, if the man was asked to get off the plane and refused-and the police were called it gets a bit dicey.
— Tim Jeffreys (@RadioTimJ) October 12, 2019
For a threat to be real it must be specific, actionable, and imminent. This literally says "I have to build the tool to kill you first, come back later".
— Stringfellow Hawke (@GobsofTexas) October 12, 2019
First, they are protected. Just because you're emotionally weak that mere words make you fearful, doesn't make it everyone else's responsibility to protect your feelings
— The First Amendment Extremist 2 (@coltsfan702) October 12, 2019
It cannot be seen as "inciting violence" in any way at all, either "easily" or otherwise. Your sissy snowflake opinion notwithstanding.
— Russian Dude-bot (@deadrody) October 12, 2019
For a threat to be real it must be specific, actionable, and imminent. This literally says "I have to build the tool to kill you first, come back later".
— Stringfellow Hawke (@GobsofTexas) October 12, 2019
Cite your legal basis or go away.
— Jarhead84 (@crackerzinbed) October 12, 2019
Hey @United that’s more than just offensive. It’s threatening and people shouldn’t be allowed to wear clothing items threatening other passengers.
— TheHeSaidSheSaidExp (@hesaidshesaidxp) October 12, 2019
Pushes button. “I’d like to buy that man a drink”
— MethLabOfDemocracy⭐️⭐️⭐️⚜️ (@noprezzie2012) October 12, 2019
Did he say if he found out where I can get one?
— tom (@tomd44) October 12, 2019
Where can I get one?
— EducatëdHillbilly™ (@RobProvince) October 12, 2019
Journalism! Yahoo fans the flames of nonexistent outrage over Chris Pratt's Gadsden Flag t-shirt https://t.co/t2FAFNSy3j
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) July 16, 2019
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