We honestly don’t know because there are so many of them running, but we know one of the central platforms of the Democratic candidates’ efforts in 2020 is the elimination of the Electoral College, which isn’t something the president could do, but it makes people still angry that Hillary lost cheer and donate money.
Add South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg to the list of Democrats calling to do away with the Electoral College:
.@PeteButtigieg: "We can’t say it’s much of a democracy when twice in my lifetime, the Electoral College has overruled the American people … Let’s pick our President by counting up all the ballots and giving it to the woman or man who got the most votes" https://t.co/ak42dRUf5R pic.twitter.com/EpCC54432k
— CNN (@CNN) April 14, 2019
It’s not much of a democracy when it’s always been a republic.
He knows we're a democratic republic right ? This is why we need civics back in schools.
— Cowboy Rob (@_Refrigerators_) April 15, 2019
Let's stay with the electoral college. After all, the "fly over" states will never cut their own throats politically. There us no way that 3/4 of the states will agree to a dimishment of their influence. This kind of talk is just political demagoguery to divide the nation.
— Joe American (@MidAmericanGuy) April 15, 2019
How many presidential candidates would waste 5 minutes in Buttigieg’s Indiana when it could be spent in New York or Los Angeles?
The founders didn't want concentrated control. The electoral college disperses that control to force broad based appeal and consideration of all Americans. Two senators from each state regardless of population additionally ensures such. Thus all Americans have a voice. Perfect
— Bernie (@berniev1960) April 14, 2019
And yet Democrats are falling over themselves to undo it — because Hillary lost, period. If she’d won, this discussion would not be happening.
We don’t live in a democracy. We live in a republic. And the electoral college was designed for everyone’s voice to be heard. So states as big as california with different needs and different opinions won’t overshadow the voice of other smaller states.
— Angelo Ray Gomez (@AngeloRayGomez) April 15, 2019
It’s a republic. The United States is not and was not designed to be a pure democracy, and for very good reasons.
— Gail Finke (@gailfinke) April 15, 2019
Example of a democracy (popular) vote:
You and 9 other people must make a life or death decision as a group. Everyone must abide by the vote, 7 of them are from California and are clinically insane, they always vote the same way. Where does that leave you and the other two?— claymeyers (@claymeyers) April 14, 2019
It’s not a democracy. I can’t believe the people who are vying for control of our nation have ZERO idea what and who we are. No wonder their so quick to destroy it. They have no idea what they’re destroying.
— Tim Hale (@timmyhale) April 15, 2019
Anyone pushing alteration to our constitutional republic is disqualified. Independents will not vote for such foolish and dangerous idea. Remember this Mob rule was rejected to protect minorities for the majority.
— James (@euosj1) April 15, 2019
I see a lot of people that haven’t ever taken a civics class and it really shows.
— Robert Cypert (@rtcypert) April 14, 2019
Hummm I’m emotional in a good way!
— Viv Nin (@Vivnin) April 14, 2019
Abolishing the Electoral College is political self-destruction.
— hometrees (@hometrees2) April 15, 2019
The Electoral College is like the World Series. Believe it, or not, the team that wins can actually be outscored by the team that loses it. Just as long as the majority of the games are represented, and won.
— Lawrence Lepes (@LJLMETAL) April 14, 2019
I don’t want New York City and Los Angeles deciding every election
— Cornelia VF (@jerseycornelia) April 15, 2019
Then California and NY elect our president every time. Nice try but no thanks from the red map
— Drew Brown (@AnDrewBrown1988) April 14, 2019
He seems like a great guy, but this is a deal-breaker for getting my vote. How can somebody be so smart and seem to not know anything about why the electoral college is in place.
— Julie Ann (@MayorOfSnark) April 14, 2019
"We've had it with winter, we have a chance for a new American Spring." – @PeteButtigieg
— Ray Loewe (@rloewe65) April 14, 2019
Does this guy actually say things like that? He really is Obama 2.0.
There was a time in my life I would’ve been amazed a gay man is running 4 POTUS, & thrown all support behind him
And yet, I CAN NOT WAIT to vote 4 @realDonaldTrump!Can ppl not see how fake @PeteButtigieg is? This is just a @BarackObama impersonation. Talk about appropriation… https://t.co/tvzrdqB74d
— Brandon Straka (@usminority) April 15, 2019
Holy RATIO Batman! WaPo gets absolutely SHREDDED for op-ed claiming Founders would call Electoral College a failure https://t.co/fIlRBaLVJr
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) April 8, 2019
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