There are already plenty of hot takes out there about the MAGA hat — remember how worked up CNN got when service members brought their personal MAGA hats to be signed by the president during his Christmas stopover? A lot of hand-wringing there — was that against the rules? Should they be disciplined?
And then you have Alyssa Milano saying the red MAGA hat is the new white hood; not an entirely original take by any stretch, but she thought it was profound enough to tweet.
So actor Vincent D’Onofrio didn’t have the worst tweet we’ve seen on the MAGA hat and the hatred it supposedly represents, but still, we’re not fans of being told what to wear and what not to wear to please the supposed majority.
The Maga hat is a sign to the majority of Americans that one who wears it supports a President that clearly can not be trusted. So I would say if you want to be trusted by the majority of people in your country then I would TAKE THE HAT OFF silly. It's not rocket science.
— Vincent D'Onofrio (@vincentdonofrio) January 21, 2019
So in America, young people can only engage in political speech that is sanctioned by the majority or otherwise surrender their right to free expression? Just as the Founders envisioned!
— David Harsanyi (@davidharsanyi) January 22, 2019
How about no
— Dcnation black monitor (@Dcnationmonitor) January 22, 2019
I am a proud supporter.
— Garden (troll) Gnome⭐⭐⭐ (@Gnome_troll) January 22, 2019
Tweets like this MAKE me want to put one on, just to give you the middle finger. I don't care if you trust me or not, I sure as heck don't trust you and your kind.
— Grand Admiral Nick (@admiral_nick) January 22, 2019
So you’re saying girls don’t wear skirts because it will be viewed as “asking for it,” right?
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) January 22, 2019
So girls or women who wear skirts, tight fitting clothes, people who wear Malcom x clothing, che shirts, Fidel Castro shirts, etc they should all not wear those too, because their “silly”?
— ShedsandFins Outdoors (@shedsandfins) January 22, 2019
Ah. I see we’ve arrived at the “she was asking for it” part of the hysteria. Always the hottest of horseshit hot takes.
— paperplatemaskyo (@PaperPlateMask3) January 22, 2019
So Americans who support a President that was duly elected are not to be trusted? Actually, you and you ilk are trying to overthrow the government and stage a coup to oust said President so you are certainly not to be trusted.
— Life on the Right (@lifeontheright7) January 22, 2019
This is an embarrassing tweet
— Lou Crescenzi (@Weej69) January 22, 2019
It says to me that the wearer loves his country and wants the best for it
— Trump-loving Barbara (@Barbara75939296) January 22, 2019
Just as a bonus, we’re going to throw in TV writer and #VerifiedBully David Slack for yet another hot take on the MAGA hat:
The left has decided anyone who wears a Make America Great Again cap is de facto racist. They don’t judge people based on the color of their skin, but on the color of their caps trading one bigotry for another.
— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) January 21, 2019
Skin color is not a choice. Gender is not a choice. Disability is not a choice. Sexual orientation is not a choice.
Wearing a bright red hat with the political slogan of a racist politician backed by a racist political party is a choice & a statement.
Does that clear things up?
— David Slack (@slack2thefuture) January 22, 2019
Does it occur to you that these kids bought the hats from one of the dozens of vendors around DC as a souvenir? That not everyone sees this hat and slogan and gets triggered and justifies abhorrent behavior because they have the emotional maturity of a toddler?!
— Some chick named Heather (@hboulware) January 22, 2019
Wearing a yarmulke is a choice.
I don't allow the irrational hatred and bigotry others impose on me based on that symbol to determine if I will express myself or not.
*You* create the stereotype.
*You* invoke the hatred.
*You* make the association and accusation.— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) January 22, 2019
Racist people have been making the same argument against people wearing a kippah or a hijab. Your argument is flawed.
— Oak Wood (@WoodOak1999) January 22, 2019
p.s. It is shameful that you posted something this ignorant on the day our nation honors Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. People like you are proof of just how far we still have to go.
— David Slack (@slack2thefuture) January 22, 2019
Not everyone thinks the guy is racist, and certainly a kid wearing a redcap is not reason in and of itself to declare open season on him.
— Dan Roy (@danwroy) January 22, 2019
No, because it was the ridiculous hyperbole about these kids being racists, Nazis, etc. that caused the outrage mob in the first place, which will always, invariably lead to this nonsense. That's the entire point of angry Twitter mobs. Be man enough to own the consequences.
— White Chocolate (@rhodeislander) January 22, 2019
If a hat is enough to set you off, perhaps you shouldn't leave the house; Sparky.
— Chuck Vipperman (@ChuckVipperman) January 22, 2019
I love that so many on the left think that this is a winning strategy for 2020…
— Jeff Smith (@Jeffsmith5084) January 22, 2019
Aw, heck, he’s one more entry from the hat police:
My feelings about the #CovingtonBoys are unchanged since the first reporting and viewing many different videos. The boys acted inappropriately and chaperones should have intervened. And boys should not have been permitted to wear MAGA hats if they were representing the school.
— Father Edward Beck (@FrEdwardBeck) January 21, 2019
It’s unfortunate that the evidence didn’t move you, with all due respect.
— David Limbaugh (@DavidLimbaugh) January 22, 2019
Alyssa Milano says the red MAGA hat is the 'new white hood'
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) January 21, 2019
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