An opinion piece by a law professor in The New York Times Thursday argued that the “credible allegations” against Brett Kavanaugh should be enough to keep him off the Supreme Court. Not to be outdone, The Washington Post published a piece arguing that withdrawing Kavanaugh’s nomination wasn’t just the right thing to do; it would also prevent future rapes.
"Want to help prevent rape? Withdraw Kavanaugh’s nomination." via @PostEverything
— Washington Post (@washingtonpost) September 20, 2018
… On MSNBC, Bari Weiss mused: “Let’s say [Kavanaugh] did this exactly as she said. Should the fact that a 17-year-old, presumably very drunk kid, did this, should this be disqualifying?”
It’s a question that can only be answered affirmatively. And not just because what Kavanaugh allegedly did is so terrible. It’s also because making a show of just how terrible it is on the world stage might help stop other men from perpetrating similar abuses.
We’re pretty sure Newman mistakenly italicized the wrong word; it should read, “not just because what Kavanaugh allegedly did is so terrible.”
So by denying him due process and making an example of Kavanaugh, men will learn the lesson that rape is bad? Don’t prison sentences for actual convicted rapists already serve as a better deterrent?
And some ask why people distrust the media.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) September 21, 2018
What moron thought this up? And what moron found it fit to print?
— JWF (@JammieWF) September 20, 2018
— EducatédHillbilly™ (@RobProvince) September 20, 2018
Sexual assault is very serious and we should be doing all we can to prevent it. But does that include condemning a man before all the facts are known? Guilty until proven innocent? Is that where we want to go as a nation?
— Bored_on_Saturday (@martini225) September 20, 2018
No no no. Guilty until proven Democrat
— Antonio Martinez (@djtechchicago) September 21, 2018
This is disgusting.
— LakeCrazy™ ?? (@Lakecrazy) September 20, 2018
Brett Kavanaugh is not accused of rape at all. This is how utterly worthless the lying @washingtonpost is.
— (@Gunalizer) September 21, 2018
Guilty before being proved innocent? #GFYS
— Joel Martino (@joelmartino1) September 21, 2018
Now go back in time and do Bill Clinton
— Lulu Lapin (@Lulu_Lapin) September 21, 2018
Now do @keithellison
— TheDiveWhisperer (@thdivewhisperer) September 20, 2018
Stunning. You make me sick.
— Ronni G (@ronni_g) September 20, 2018
That article was every bit as stupid as the headline promised
Want to help prevent rape? Campaign to repeal gun control laws and enable campus carry
I know it doesn't fit the agenda, but it would work better than whatever it is y'all think you're doing here
?♀️— Joy (@LibertyClerk) September 20, 2018
The Honorable Judge Kavanaugh isn’t accused of rape. The alleged victims words impugn her w/the “tried to assault” which translates into an attempted assault. Words have meaning. She is well educated, and she knows this. #FakeNews #DemocratPlaybook #DemocratPlaybook101 lie
— ❌ The Lady Harlee ⭕️ (@TheCherokeeRose) September 21, 2018
I love parody accounts
— Cache Tag (@CacheTastrophy) September 20, 2018
this is what mass hysteria looks like.
— calie nouvelle (@CalieNouvelle) September 20, 2018
You have just lost all journalistic integrity.
— Angel Cox (@redwhiteandvino) September 21, 2018
Want to help prevent fake news? Withdraw from WP subscribership.
— Ken Pfaff (@ETSubmariner) September 20, 2018
Law professor maintains that 'credible allegations' should be enough to disqualify Brett Kavanaugh
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) September 21, 2018
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