We’ve heard plenty about millennials over this campaign cycle, so it might be worth clarifying just who these young people are. While there’s no definite age cutoff, the Pew Research Center specifically defines millennials as those born after 1980. (Ironically, a Pew poll conducted last fall determined that most millennials chafe at being called “millennials,” a label nearly 60 percent of them equate with the term “self-absorbed.”)
However they’re defined, millennials are a coveted prize in the 2016 elections, and today they’re dominating Twitter’s trending topics with the hashtag, #GetMillennialsToVoteIn5Words.
No please! Don't vote okay? #GetMillennialsToVoteIn5Words
— Böb Jänke (@Bob_Janke) March 19, 2016
Seriously though, please don't vote millennials.#GetMillennialsToVoteIn5Words
— Lauren Southern (@Lauren_Southern) March 19, 2016
Some food for thought for those who believe it’s wrong to dissuade millennials from casting their vote at the ballot box. (Admittedly it’s taken out of context, but we couldn’t resist.)
@mattyglesias No wonder I don't like Vox. Millennials…
— Alain Habimana (@Dizeye) March 19, 2016
Heavy sarcasm incoming.
participant trophy for every voter pic.twitter.com/NCPBQf1A2N
— SophieDiddles (@sophie_diddles) March 19, 2016
#GetMillennialsToVoteIn5Words Come Get Your "Participant" Sticker
— Razor (@hale_razor) March 19, 2016
Voting Booth's also Selfie Booth #GetMillennialsToVoteIn5Words
— Lance Gould (@lancegould) March 19, 2016
Get free guacamole at Chipotle #GetMillennialsToVoteIn5Words
— Secia G (@Nessa_Star4) March 19, 2016
Ballot consists of only emojis#GetMillennialsToVoteIn5Words
— Brian Whelmingly (@Chewbacca_Sound) March 19, 2016
Take away their manbun rights.#GetMillennialsToVoteIn5Words
— Pumpkin Spice Jones (@SadlyCatless) March 19, 2016
Free hoverboard giveaway in here #GetMillennialsToVoteIn5Words
— Heeeere's Johnny!! (@Johnsense38) March 19, 2016
It is all about you! #GetMillennialsToVoteIn5Words
— Guy Gatenby (@guy_gatenby) March 19, 2016
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