Thanks to the New York Times, we’ve heard quite a bit this evening about Hillary Clinton’s new campaign strategy: show the public some “humor and heart,” and make an extra effort to be spontaneous. She’ll make an appearance on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” Thursday to put her new strategy to the test, but MSNBC wanted to give the new, spontaneous Hillary Clinton a test run on a TV channel no one was watching.
@HillaryClinton @MSNBC are you rebooting? again? Seriously?
— k sunlover (@kcsunlover) September 8, 2015
The beta test? A quick-fire Q&A session featuring “humanizing” topics like her favorite show to binge watch.
Food craving? Binge-watch show of choice? 6 things you probably didn’t know about Hillary, via @MSNBC:
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) September 8, 2015
@HillaryClinton @MSNBC what's your favorite prison food?
— Johnny Johnerson (@jperk1) September 8, 2015
@HillaryClinton Why did you wipe your hard drive? Where are the Benghazi e-mails?
— Liz Fenton Decker (@LizFentonDecker) September 8, 2015
.@HillaryClinton @MSNBC I think you should retire and have all the chocolate and sleep you need… until the arrest anyway.
— Trump Agenda (@TrumpAgenda) September 8, 2015
@HillaryClinton @MSNBC plenty of time for sleep and tv in prison
— Me (@lapoirier3) September 8, 2015
@HillaryClinton @MSNBC boxers or briefs?
— Gordon Perez (@Gordonperez1585) September 8, 2015
.@HillaryClinton told @MSNBC that her workout of choice is treadmill, swimming. What happened to your Yoga classes? cc @MarkSimoneNY
— Yossi Gestetner (@YossiGestetner) September 8, 2015
@HillaryClinton @MSNBC Geez, talk about "Gotcha" questions! What a TOUGH interview, MSNBC! Wow.
— I am nhprman. (@nhprman) September 8, 2015
@HillaryClinton @MSNBC I'd like to see this so called journalist questions for GOP candidates
— .02 cents (@02twocents) September 8, 2015
@HillaryClinton @MSNBC Her aides have just advised us she is human, so you can skip that one. #Hillary2016
— Nash Rambler (@NashRamblers) September 8, 2015
(Hat tip: @perpetualvjlinz)
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