Friday, Twitchy told you about what seemed to be a Boston-centric protest tactic: command “white allies to the front” to form a caucasian shield against police lines, knowing that their projected white privilege will deter authorities from becoming violent and making arrests.
Tonight, then, we thought we’d give some time to another viewpoint. Twitter user @brassiest, self-described as a “queer anarcha-feminist,” advises fellow white anarchists to sit down and listen as people of color lead the movement.
When our actions badly affect others & damage a movement we need to step back. This is not about us.
— o p e (@brassiest) December 7, 2014
What is more important? Smashing a Starbucks window or stepping back and letting POC take the lead on this?
— o p e (@brassiest) December 7, 2014
POC organizers and participants–the people this is about–have told us this kind of action is not welcome. Sit down & listen
— o p e (@brassiest) December 7, 2014
I'm not a fan of the "white anarchist/communist infiltrators" line either BUT there are white radicals acting like fools, you know this
— o p e (@brassiest) December 7, 2014
The only way this is about us is the way our actions have hurt others.
— o p e (@brassiest) December 7, 2014
@silverspeakers Yeah absolutely! I'm mostly speaking of ATL and what I have seen/heard from organizers. Every place is different
— o p e (@brassiest) December 7, 2014
@silverspeakers A few nights ago a group of protesters was kicked out from the reg Eric Garner March for this exact reasons unfortunately
— o p e (@brassiest) December 7, 2014
I think what is most important is stepping back and letting others take the lead on this
— o p e (@brassiest) December 7, 2014
And like @silverspeakers mentioned every place/demo/etc is different; it's just crucial to step back & for us to not lead here
— o p e (@brassiest) December 7, 2014
@silverspeakers Yeah and I think a lot of them are new baby protesters and may not know normal protocol, too
— o p e (@brassiest) December 7, 2014
Got MLK? Don’t.
@aintacrow @silverspeakers Oh god ugh this too
— o p e (@brassiest) December 7, 2014
@silverspeakers @aintacrow I've seen this as well and it's infuriating and so paternalistic and gross
— o p e (@brassiest) December 7, 2014
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