The “nonpartisan” NAACP released a statement on the 2014 midterm elections Wednesday, and as Townhall noted, it focused almost exclusively on pushing for passage of a Voting Rights Act Amendment. “This election was not about who won but the rather the citizens who lost the right to participate,” wrote NAACP president and CEO Cornell William Brooks.
This election was not about who won? That might explain why the NAACP’s statement included no mention whatsoever of Tim Scott or Mia Love’s historic wins. Scott’s victory made him the first black U.S. Senator from the South since Reconstruction, and Love made history as the first black Republican woman elected to Congress. That certainly sounds like advancement worth recognizing.
There is no mention of Tim Scott of Mia Love’s historic wins in the @NAACP statement on the 2014 elections.
— Matt Vespa (@mVespa1) November 6, 2014
NAACP finally releases statement on midterms, predictably leaves out historic wins for Mia Love and Tim Scott
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) November 6, 2014
@NAACP No Mention of @SenatorTimScott Or @MiaBLove In your Statement. What Black people only matter if they are @TheDemocRATS? #EpicFail
— Carlisleboy (@Carlisleboy) November 6, 2014
The NAACP isn't "Non"-partisan. They are "Hyper"-partisan.
0 mention of Love or Scott's historic races tells you all you need to know
— Ministry of Tooth (@OfTooth) November 6, 2014
Pretty sure @SenatorTimScott and @MiaBLove winning on Tuesday is a pretty big deal. What say you @NAACP?
— Bill Murphy (@billmurphy) November 6, 2014
.@NAACP not a good look on your part by not congratulating or even acknowledging the victories of Sen. Tim Scott and Rep. Elect Mia Love.
— JDM (@sleepdoctorjoe) November 6, 2014
Not a good look, but a typical one for “the nation’s oldest and largest nonpartisan civil rights organization.”
Those gutless moments when the @NAACP tweets about Ferguson, yet ignore Tim Scott and Mia Love and their historical achievements. #smh
— JDM (@sleepdoctorjoe) November 6, 2014
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