In January, Ezra Klein explained the inspiration for his new site, Vox. “Early last year,” he wrote, “Melissa Bell, Matt Yglesias and I began wrestling with a question that had bugged all of us for a long time: why hadn’t the Internet made the news better at delivering crucial context alongside new information?”
Quite a few readers are wondering, then, about Vox’s new piece on coming out as a porn star. How porn stars let their families know about their occupation is new information to most, but what’s the crucial context? Maybe it’s this:
That didn’t “voxsplain” anything.
@ezraklein @stoya yup. really high quality journalism. sad.
— Sabria Balland (@sabriaballand) April 19, 2014
@ezraklein @stoya I'm not clicking on this, but soon I think we'll be saying Vox-who?
— Keith Roberts ?? (@Roberts175) April 19, 2014
@GPollowitz I like a little lighthearted ephemera every now and then, but it sure seems like Vox is wallowing in it.
— Scott Lincicome (@scottlincicome) April 19, 2014
So explanatory journalism = articles about porn star names? I can't believe WaPo didn't want to spend 10 million/year on that!
— (((AG))) (@AGHamilton29) April 19, 2014
Amazon’s Jeff Bezos must be kicking himself for passing on Vox.
What Bezos missed RT @ezraklein: How to tell your grandmother you're using her name as your porn name, by @stoya:
— Greg Pollowitz (@GPollowitz) April 19, 2014
Sponsored by @GeneralElectric MT @ezraklein How to tell your grandmother you're using her name as your porn name
— Jason Snyder (@SnydyMan) April 19, 2014
So this is the crucial context we’ve been missing all this time.
@ezraklein @stoya If this doesn't win a Pulitzer, journalism is dead. Dead, I tell you.
— We are screwed…from a distance (@PornPops69) April 19, 2014
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