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Matt Taibbi notes that 'counterculture' magazine Rolling Stone is now protecting the FBI and DHS

It’s not just Rolling Stone; as Glenn Greenwald often points out, the Left as a whole has now positioned itself as a defender of all of the alphabet agencies, like the FBI and CIA and DHS. The Left has also gone pro-censorship. Hey, if the FBI or Rep. Adam Schiff were pressuring Twitter to suppress stories and even searches, that was just them protecting American citizens from disinformation, right?


You can tell by the collective yawn from liberals over the revelations in the #TwitterFiles that they just don’t care as long as it helps their side. It’s a big story, but as Matt Taibbi points out, this would be the time when a real media would dig into the story and investigate the claims.


Ah yes, the “experts” determined that it was Russian bots pushing all of those Republican hashtags.


We remember doing a number of posts after President Trump’s election on how free speech maybe wasn’t such a good thing after all — these were writers at the nation’s most prominent newspapers pushing this idea.


“How dare you question the intelligence professionals in the FBI?”

And Taibbi’s right … the Twitter files are huge, and the mainstream media has ignored them because they don’t help their case in any way.


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