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Blue-check politely reminds us that ableism 'is a key component of fascism'

This editor watched the Pennsylvania Senate debate between Dr. Mehmet Oz and John Fetterman last night in its excruciating entirety. He’s not crazy about Oz being the Republican candidate, but no, Oz did not present “a masterclass on how to bully people with disabilities.” It was actually one of the nicest debates we’ve seen recently: the candidates kept to their time limits for the most part and didn’t interrupt each other (with one big Fetterman exception). But there were a couple of times when Fetterman just froze up after a question — those seconds seemed to drag on forever. Fetterman had the questions close-captioned, so it’s not like he didn’t hear them. He just had no answer.


The narrative has been forming that 1) yes, Fetterman is disabled, and 2) it takes great bravery to put yourself out there with a disability. Phil Kerpen nails it:

That’s really what it’s come down to. Seyward Darby (she/her) is editor-in-chief of Atavist, and reminded us all the morning after the debate that “ableism is a key component of fascism.”

Every accommodation was made for Fetterman. His campaign agreed to a debate but asked that the questions be close captioned, which they were. The Oz campaign had no objection to it. Was it fascist to make Fetterman answer questions about his flip-flop on fracking? What does this mean?

Oh, and Darby limited replies.



Fetterman has limitations that have been brought on by a stroke. Accommodations were made to level the playing field during the debate. Fetterman could have refused if he thought conditions were unfair to someone with his disability. And as we reported, the media spent the whole day beforehand lowering expectations, which sounds pretty ableist.

Speaking of the word “fascist”:


Editor’s Note:
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