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Teacher explains why so-called 'Don't Say Gay' law will require signs to be taken off restrooms

For anyone who wonders why there’s been such a fuss over Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law, here’s @libsoftiktok featuring another teacher demonstrating why it’s needed. As a non-binary birthing person tried to tell us over at HuffPost the other day, most children are the products of “heterosexual grooming” in that they have a father who’s a man and a mother who’s a woman and they grow up thinking that’s “normal.” And research has found that the early grades are the best time to introduce gender identity to kids before “cisnormative” values become ingrained in their minds.


This teacher is onto something. As we’ve noted before, “straight” is a sexual orientation. So it’s not only a “Don’t Say Gay” law, it’s a “Don’t Say Straight” law as well. No more lining up children in rows of boys and girls, and no more restroom signs.

We’ve said that ourselves … don’t any professionally dressed adults interview for these jobs?

And how angry they’d be if a teacher started talking about their Christian faith in class.


Schools have been known to cancel “triggering” events like father-daughter dances over the Education Department’s gender-neutral guidelines.

If the Left didn’t lie about it by calling it the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, they might know a little more about what’s actually in it.


Nope, it’s not possible.


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