Here’s yet another Twitter account that’s locked down after a tweet got the attention the poster apparently thought he was looking for. Dr. Spencer Bagley was just casually noting that the sign at Panda Express said that general managers had the opportunity to make as much as $69,000 a year, plus a bonus.
— Jay C. (@iamthejayc) February 12, 2022
Elizabeth Warren made $429,981 in salary from Harvard during 2010 and 2011 … talk to her. Or get a gig at Harvard.
You're not a professor, you're an associate professor, and you're making less than a restaurant general manager. I guess the idea is to make it seem like a high brow/low brow comparison because it's a Panda Express? What if it was just some fancy French restaurant instead?
— Noam Blum (@neontaster) February 12, 2022
omg, talk about dudes posting their L's
— (@jtLOL) February 12, 2022
I forget who said it, but: Every day, Twitter has a main character. The point of the game is not to be that.
— (@jtLOL) February 12, 2022
And the main character usually shuts off comment. Like Dr Bagley did
— Elon Musket (@tonyjaylott) February 12, 2022
Dr. Spencer Bagley has four papers that I can find, all in mathematics education. No evidence of any difficult mathematical work. He's very lucky he was able to get $61k.
— Category Theory Hangout (@cg_geometry) February 12, 2022
Here’s the worse part, he works less than 25 hours a week and only 3 hours of office time per the schools website. 🤦🏻♂️
— Chris (@ChrisJNFL) February 12, 2022
We’d put his responses here if he hadn’t locked down his account.
Bless your heart.
— Bill Neville 🌻 (@wgn3) February 12, 2022
General Managers at Panda Express whenever college professors walk into the restaurant
— Rich (@UptownDC_Rich) February 12, 2022
You are not a professor. You are an ASSOCIATE professor who graduated from community college.
Real professors earn more than a food court manager.
— cocaine bear (@Jerryfalwell3rd) February 12, 2022
Time to have a heart to heart with Administration…although that would continue the vicious cycle
— BP (@veteran_BP) February 12, 2022
You can act like your tweet was more noble, but in reality it was meant to boost yourself at the expense of another. The manager position is a tool you’re using to show proof that you’re undervalued. I don’t mind that as much as I do the spin now that you’ve been called out.
— Baron (@TheBaronOfBeard) February 12, 2022
Plus let’s be completely honest, I’d rather be paid 61.5k to work the shorter, cleaner, easier hours of your job than the 69k to work the nightmare of a job that is restaurant manager. It’s not undervaluing educators…it’s you undervaluing a position that doesn’t require college
— Baron (@TheBaronOfBeard) February 12, 2022
I actually found out that you specifically, make way more than you deserve
— Roma CHEIMS (@CheimsRoma) February 12, 2022
That is absolutely not your point. If it was you would have made that argument exclusively. Instead, you bash a job that requires a lot of hard work and try to look down on those who do that work. Exactly the type of behavior a teacher should discourage.
— Chest Rockwell (@BleezburgBros) February 12, 2022
You're an associate professor. Full professors make more than double what you're making. A fast food GM typically runs multiple restaurants w/ millions in annual sales, hectic supply orders, huge employee turnover, 12-hour days 6 days a week, and few opps for advancement.
— Burt Carey.🇺🇸 (@BurtCarey) February 12, 2022
The point should be that service workers don’t make enough to live on. But instead, all you got was that you feel bad when you think people that are beneath you should make less?
— Supermassive Bob Dole (@BismarkNineSix) February 12, 2022
i can guarantee you that managing a panda express is way harder
— Jarl.Herbschmidt (@LindyRig5) February 12, 2022
I bet that manager works more hours
— Divided By Zero (@fortybam) February 12, 2022
He is responsible 24/7 for the operation of that restaurant and must come in if staffing isn’t available and has to know every job
— Divided By Zero (@fortybam) February 12, 2022
They are hiring at Panda express. Good luck.
— torvic d (@torvic_d) February 12, 2022
I’ve noticed that teachers spend 80% of their work day trying to convince people how hard their jobs are. Which is just slightly higher than nurses.
— Carl McGhee (@carl_marino1616) February 12, 2022
Economics professor: Ohio State has an army of 132 people on its diversity, equity, and inclusion staff costing $13 million
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) December 7, 2021
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