You might — might, but very probably not — know comedian Patton Oswalt from Comedy Central’s “The Heart, She Holler,” part of the channel’s late-night “Adult Swim” stoner TV lineup for a few seasons. And if you watch “Adult Swim,” you see a lot of fast-food commercials. Burger King is saluting everyone for staying on their couches, and every fast-food joint is offering free delivery — they need it to stay open.
Oswalt also seems to be of the mind that all Americans are being asked to do is watch Netflix, play video games, and have food delivered to the house — all things Anne Frank managed to do without.
Anne Frank spent 2 years hiding in an attic and we’ve been home for just over a month with Netflix, food delivery & video games and there are people risking viral death by storming state capital buildings & screaming, “Open Fuddruckers!”
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) April 18, 2020
But those same people who are working delivering food are doing it while you watch Netflix, and they probably consider themselves lucky to have work. Protesters are willing to risk viral death … if they consider the risk to be substantially lower than going broke by being told they can’t leave the house after 9 p.m. to walk their dog.
Anne Frank faced a much more credible threat. Our greatest threat here is the one against our Constitutional rights.
— Kash Jackson (@KashJackson2018) April 18, 2020
"Let them eat kale!" laughed the rich comedian.
— Bridget Phetasy (@BridgetPhetasy) April 18, 2020
Maybe drive over to Nancy Pelosi’s for some ice cream … but make sure you’re allowed to drive from one private home to another first.
It’s amazing how tone deaf some of these “celebrities” are.
— Yo.Omar.Comin. (@Pitzification) April 18, 2020
Maybe Fudruckers is code for “people are losing their jobs and lives and don’t also want to lose their rights, and are scared that could happen”
— Zachary Murray (@Rudefire) April 18, 2020
I knew your previous tweet was going to lead to this tweet…
I think their world, post virus, is going to be an eye opener for them…they let us see who they are behind their handlers and we didn't like what we saw…
— Geary (@indiucky) April 18, 2020
Nail on the head as usual Patton! Like geez, just live on royalties alone for a bit, chill out
— KD6-3.7 (@ShaneeMc) April 18, 2020
Not everyone can afford Netflix, food delivery & video games due to the economic shutdown….
— Joey Saladino (@JoeySalads) April 18, 2020
Hi Mr. Oswalt,
Roughly 22 million Americans are out of work. There are news reports of miles-long lines of cars at food distribution centers. People aren't asking for restrictions to be lifted so they can go to Fuddruckers, they are doing so b/c they want to earn money to eat.— Wes (@wcrickards) April 18, 2020
Your net worth is said to be 14 million dollars. I don't want to hear shit from you one way or another on the topic of staying at home. Not everyone can afford daily food delivery or netflix..or cable for that matter, you ass-wad.
— JoJo (@joeybaker09) April 18, 2020
This is extremely elitist, many of these people are out of work and on their last leg. Yes, if you are part of the lucky few who are able to work from home or have jobs that are essential it seems this easy. Millions of Americans are struggling right now… come on Patton!
— Andrew Burns (@andrew_burns94) April 18, 2020
It's not because they want Fuddruckers. People are losing jobs. Stop being a childish a hole.
— Mo Mo (@molratty) April 18, 2020
If you haven't donated every penny to your name this is a really bad look
— libertarian THOT ? (@ClintinSD) April 18, 2020
Some people can’t afford Netflix, food delivery & video games. Some people can’t work from home. Don’t mock these folks, just be thankful for the situation you’re in.
— Watson's Roommate (@robtodd22) April 18, 2020
We’re not all “home with Netflix and food delivery”. Plenty of us are out of money and don’t know where our next meal is coming from. But Hollywood elites are ok, so all is good.
— Bot Reynolds (@BotReynolds) April 18, 2020
Shockingly, people who live or die by the money they make at Fuddruckers would like it to be open.
While the people condemning them are the sort of people who would have turned Anne Frank in, since, after all, there was a rule against her being in the attic.
— Dan (@LawoftheGator) April 18, 2020
The elitist has opened his window once again to yell down at the average American citizen that, according to him, we should stop complaining about not having jobs or money to pay for netflix, food, electricity, water, and video games.
— Pat Praeger (@pax_praeger) April 18, 2020
YEah, YOu'rE REaLly cOnNEcTiNg WiTH THe cOMmON FOLK right NoW
— No need to… PANIC!!!! ? (@cardi_mark) April 18, 2020
Elf celebrity tells people out of work to ”eat cake”
— WeAreTrump2020 (@Trump2020We) April 18, 2020
This will get 100k likes Not one f*cking 'liberal' is going to point out Oswalt's privilege? 22 million people are unemployed and many of them have run out of savings. They aren't watching Netflix and getting food delivered. They are eating Ramen in the dark.
— Smartacus enthusiastically (@fivestarmichael) April 18, 2020
Unfortunately, she wasn't allowed to protest or bear arms. Other than that, solid tweet.
— Dan ?? (@danieltobin) April 18, 2020
22 million new jobless claims in 4 weeks.
"Having to watch netflix" is not the extent of the problem they're protesting.
Check your wealthy privilege.— Carlos America (@CarlosTheRight) April 18, 2020
Anne Frank shouldn't have had to hide in a closet, but she did because if she was found an identified, it would mean death.
Meanwhile, this pandemic is overhyped and people are losing their livelihoods and rights. Healthy young people need to go back to work taking precautions.
— Freckled Liberty ? (@FreckledLiberty) April 18, 2020
Not everyone can work from home. This is highly insensitive.
— Rae ? (@FiatLuxGenesis) April 18, 2020
During that same time you have been able to make a living in your pajamas ordering your delicious take out, others have been unemployed, stressed and wondering if they will be able to feed their kids.
— Bleu Cheque (@VERBAL_CHANCLA) April 18, 2020
Siri, show me the most clueless analogy about Anne Frank ever
— Bry?Guy (@BryGuy59er) April 18, 2020
Hey Patton, glad that you have had a really relaxing month, but a lot of people still have to work
— Magnum, T.I.(m). (@PostinMonkey) April 18, 2020
This is the worst take by any celebrity yet. And I follow Alyssa Milano.
— JamesWoodsStanAccount (@woods_account) April 18, 2020
Underrated tweet
— Lucy (@QuiteContrary06) April 18, 2020
I'm guessing at least a few of these people are not wealthy like yourself and they want to go back to work. For you it's a vacation, sure. But for them it's a countdown to financial ruin.
— Foreign Chinese WuHan Solo ☣ (@TsinoiTalosi) April 18, 2020
Maybe living under Nazis is not a good model to emulate, eh?
— Robert Barnes (@Barnes_Law) April 18, 2020
That two years Anne lived in the attic, was she free or a slave?
— Johnny_Dice ?? (@Johnny_Dice_) April 18, 2020
Under the same circumstances, she'd be leading the charge.
— Bronxilla (@bronxilla) April 18, 2020
Did she also maintain a prescription drug closet for a spouse?
— Teddy Obermann (@ObermannTeddy) April 18, 2020
You haven't a clue of the real world. Go ahead stay home. If we never hear from you again the world will be a better place.
— Coder4Liberty (@Coder4Liberty) April 18, 2020
Imagine if there were people without netflix and royalty checks.
Crazy.— monkeyboy10000 (@monkeyboy100001) April 18, 2020
This dude wants you to lose your business & stay home & watch Netflix.
The same Netflix that writes him fat checks for his content.
— Joshua Ferguson (@HourlyStruggle) April 18, 2020
Here I fixed it for you:
Netflix, food delivery & video games…..and $14 MILLION.
— OrientalFury (@FuryOriental) April 18, 2020
Here is a thought, you liberals can self-isolate in your mansions/apartments and let all the people in red trucker hats re-open everything.
If the virus is as bad as you think all the redneck flyover country will die from it and and you win.
Re-opening the economy is a win-win!
— POTUS Toad Sage (@AlphaSoupNotSee) April 18, 2020
Blow me
— Itchy (@thketterer) April 18, 2020
So as long as all you’re doing is playing video games and watching Netflix, be sure to catch Oswalt’s stand-up specials from which he’s getting his royalty checks.
Raleigh police remind #ReopenNC protesters that protesting is a non-essential activity
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) April 14, 2020
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