Wokeness has become an integral part of the world’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As Twitchy reported, the Washington Post put out a call on Twitter in early February for anyone who’d seen any “racism, xenophobia, or other forms of discrimination” connected to the coronavirus outbreak. And just a few days ago, Damon Young wrote at The Root that America’s response to the coronavirus “is a natural consequence of white supremacy.”
Australian Sen. Mehreen Faruqi is not the first person we’ve heard remind us all that COVID-19 isn’t tied only to racism and xenophobia; it’s also a gendered crisis in which women are serving on the front lines.
COVID-19 is a gendered crisis.
Nurses, nurse aides, teachers, child carers and early-childhood educators, aged-care workers and cleaners are mostly women.
They are on the frontline of this public health crisis and carry a disproportionate risk of being exposed to the virus. pic.twitter.com/uY56bDmlJ7
— Mehreen Faruqi (@MehreenFaruqi) March 25, 2020
Nurses, nurse aides, and teachers are mostly women? Sounds sexist.
Gender studies addles your brain. https://t.co/UArq6V0z81
— Christina Sommers ? (@CHSommers) March 25, 2020
The virus has her trumped. Last I looked it’s very disproportionally killing men.
— Karen Rylander (@KarenRylander) March 25, 2020
And this virus mostly kills men by a 2 to 1 margin.
— J Edgar Hoover’s NSA Database (@RichardTibbetts) March 25, 2020
Statistically MORE MEN than WOMEN are DYING from CORONAVIRUS!
— Linda ~ Project Tupac (@ProjectTupac) March 25, 2020
Latest statistics show men are more vulnerable to infection and serious progression, as well as death from COVID-19. Logically, women should therefore be at the forefront because they have a better chance of escaping infection and surviving if they do get infected. ?
— David P Forsyth (@DavidPForsyth) March 25, 2020
And men make up most of the deaths.
— Jake Walker (@Jake_W) March 25, 2020
The gender death gap doesn't bother her nearly as much as the gender wage gap does.
— Jerry Boggs (@DeepSpace41) March 25, 2020
What's worse, coronavirus or gender studies?
— Ricey709 (@Ricey709) March 25, 2020
Odd. No mention of the male doctors, nurses, security, facilities managers, and all of the different specialties…Physical therapists, x-ray techs, janitors. You'd almost think she hates men.
— Habitabat autem somnium. (@Andy_Sant2800) March 25, 2020
Or the high ratio of men in law enforcement, firefighters, national guard, etc….
The next time she has a thought she should let it go.
— Ucon (@ConnieHug00) March 25, 2020
Firefighters, EMS workers and Police are mostly Male.
— David W. Gordon (@GordoDav) March 25, 2020
Truck drivers?
— LDS of CA (@LStrickland760) March 25, 2020
God bless American truckers! I offer my thanks to the hard-working truckers who have kept America supplied in this time of chaos and or mass hysteria.
— Blackhaven (@BlackhavenEnt) March 25, 2020
During these layoffs and temporary work stoppages remember that a man is losing $1 for every $0.79 a woman loses.
— Nobody Famous (@KDillyDilly) March 25, 2020
At least she didn't commend the virus for fighting toxic masculinity
— mon (@gmonika16) March 25, 2020
I’m not ready to go back to that level of abnormal normality yet. The upside of the apocalypse is that all of that tripe has been lovingly forgotten if only for a week or two.
— Matt (@McMacaque) March 25, 2020
Weird, yesterday I was just thinking about how I hadn't heard much of this garbage since the pandemic started. I thought maybe people saw COVID-19 for what it is, a virus that indiscriminately goes after anyone. Nope, the oppression Olympics are still on.
— Gimpy (@AshleighAJH) March 25, 2020
Thought there was no such thing as gender any more??
— Carey Phillips (@careyph15) March 25, 2020
Social construct my ass
— MuddyWaterz (@waterz_muddy) March 25, 2020
If all you have is a hammer…everything looks like a male.#SmashThePatriarchy?
— Steve Faktor (@ideafaktory) March 25, 2020
The virus might actually be making people dumb.
— E Tirado (@ricanlink32) March 25, 2020
Even if what she says is true, what are we supposed to do about it?
Priorities: California bill would require children’s toys and clothes to be displayed in a ‘single, gender neutral section’ https://t.co/7pNYf1VCyZ
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) February 28, 2020
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