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Oliver Darcy: Fox News viewers 'much less likely' to take the risks of the coronavirus as seriously as Democrats

You can always count on CNN hall monitors Brian Stelter and Oliver Darcy to somehow make each and every story about how Fox News is covering it, and that goes for the coronavirus as well. Oliver Darcy reports Wednesday that Fox News viewers are less likely to take the coronavirus seriously, much as they’re less likely to take CNN seriously.


“The troubling effects” of “weeks of dismissive and conspiratorial coverage.” Sure, Darcy’s troubled.

The polls, though, just seem to show that Republicans and consumers of conservative media are less inclined to buy into the hype of left-leaning outlets like CNN that see COVID-19 as just another excuse to dismiss President Trump as ineffective and racist. Darcy writes:

Gallup’s poll, conducted between March 3 and 13, found that only 42% of Republicans were “very worried” or “somewhat worried” about the virus. In comparison, 73% of Democrats expressed that level of concern.

Pew Research, which conducted its survey from March 10 to 16, found that 83% of Republicans who consumed only a diet of outlets with right-leaning audiences believed the news media had exaggerated the risks of the virus. That number was 30% higher than Democrats who consumed only outlets with left-leaning audiences.

More specifically, Pew Research found that 79% of people who said they turned to Fox News for their news believed the media had exaggerated the risks of the virus.


And? Like we said, Democrats are more likely to be worried because of their inherent trust in Trump to do anything right. And yes, the media has been exaggerating the effects of the virus — like the danger Asian Americans face because Trump called it the Chinese virus.





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