One of Saturday’s big Twitter controversies is brought to us courtesy of Kellyanne Conway’s husband, who is making a big deal out of the fact that the White House physician is a doctor of osteopathic medicine and not an M.D.
So the White House physician isn’t an M.D. Good Lord. Someone sneeze on me now and just get it over with.
— George Conway (@gtconway3d) March 14, 2020
We wouldn’t even sneeze on Conway … we’d never get that close and risk catching his TDS.
Betcha the first patient, who fancies people with the best degrees (until they tell him he doesn’t know what he’s talking about), doesn’t know, and doesn’t know what a DO is.
— George Conway (@gtconway3d) March 14, 2020
CNN analyst Asha Rappanga doesn’t even know what a D.O. is:
what…is a DO
— Asha Rangappa (@AshaRangappa_) March 14, 2020
Since the 1920s until 2018, and for virtually all of the rest of the history of the presidency, the White House physician has held a Doctor of Medicine degree.
— George Conway (@gtconway3d) March 14, 2020
President Obama’s personal physician not only was an an MD, but had an M.P.H. from—get this—the Johns Hopkins *Bloomberg* School of Public Health, which happens to be the best graduate school of public health in the country (Harvard’s being no. 2).
— George Conway (@gtconway3d) March 14, 2020
Given the shortage of MDs, I’m perfectly happy that there’s some alternative degree that gives people the opportunity to provide necessary medical services to the public. But that doesn’t mean that the White House physician shouldn’t be a top MD.
— George Conway (@gtconway3d) March 14, 2020
My doctor is a DO. There’s nothing wrong with a DO degree, George.
— Jason E. (@JaeDog105) March 14, 2020
Nothing wrong with the degree, but the people who go into DO programs are typically the ones who couldn’t get admitted into MD programs.
— George Conway (@gtconway3d) March 14, 2020
There’s indeed nothing wrong being a DO, but should *this* job be held by one?
Show me a top 25, or even a top 50, university that offers an DO instead of an MD. Is there a single one? In the top 100 there’s Michigan State, but I think that’s it.
— George Conway (@gtconway3d) March 14, 2020
So seriously, this is Saturday’s big controversy?
George Conway is complaining that the White House physician is a DO but I'm old enough to remember when Obama put a guy with an MFA in creative writing in charge of his foreign policy
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) March 14, 2020
Husband is MD. He thinks just has highly of the DO as the MD. Both professionals working together in the business of helping keep us humans alive and well. Conway is a stain.
— xoxo (@thegroc003) March 14, 2020
D.O. is an equivalent degree to an M.D. Same amount of schooling, same expertise.
— Grace Segers (@Grace_Segers) March 14, 2020
I’m glad that my 4 years of pre-med reqs, 4 years of med school training, 3 years of residency, 4 years of fellowship, 4 passed board certifictations and I’m considered “lesser than” an MD. If you ever show up at our hospitals, please turn around and seek your nearest top 10% MD.
— kit kat (@kttyvtg) March 14, 2020
This is the most IGNORANT post EVER. The Doctor of Osteopathy education, training and clinical Board Exams are IDENTICAL to that of MD’s. They have ADDITIONAL training in Osteopathy so they can treat the WHOLE patient and not just ‘refer’ everything out! EDUCATE YOURSELF!
— HavinMoreThanAMoment (@ElleJayeK) March 14, 2020
This is as tone deaf as thinking that "doctor" means physician.
Commander Conley is a sailor in the United States Navy, is well respected for his abilities, and for his devotion to serving his country.
— Rogue POTUS Staff (@RoguePOTUSStaff) March 14, 2020
A Doc of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) is a fully licensed physician, same as a Medical Doc (MD.)
BTW, Conley also holds a FACEP title, which means that his training & background meet the ACEP standards.
Go make Kellyanne a sandwich, you buffoon.
— MearaJM ?? (@MillennialOther) March 14, 2020
DO is a physician with the same training and boards as MD.
— Just a Guy (@BGPesq) March 14, 2020
George I have an MD. Absolutey nothing wrong with a DO physician. Stay in your lane. You do not know what you are talking about.
— Van Savell (@ping2000pong) March 14, 2020
Misinformed take on DOs. They receive similar training as M.D.s. I started seeing a DO this year and she is the best primary care doctor I’ve ever had. I’ve never had the level of care and follow-up from a doctor as I have had with her.
— Dr. Judy Lubin (@JudyLubin) March 14, 2020
Seems like you’re the one who doesn’t know what a DO is.
— Rachel S ✨ (@RnmiSanders) March 14, 2020
DO’s are physicians and go through the same requirements, testing, and training. They receive additional training in osteopathic medicine.
— Norma Jones-Ives (@jones_ives) March 14, 2020
DOs have to take the same course of study and residencies an MD does.
— The Good Gargantua (@Mrsdoodlepunk1) March 14, 2020
You could NOT be more wrong or biased. DO’s study longer than MD’s. Educate yourself before you speak.
— Sue Razi (@KateMikal3) March 14, 2020
Literally ever MD in the country disagrees with you. I trained with exceptional DOs and would trust them with my care any day.
— P-nut (@icanfixuok) March 14, 2020
I’m an MD, and this guy’s an idiot. DOs and MDs have the same basic medical schooling and train at the same residency programs.
Get a load of this tool @Neoavatara @JoeSilverman7 @gruntdoc @CotnerMD @tampadirectcare @tmi3rd
— R. M. Huffman (@R_M_Huffman) March 14, 2020
A D.O is a licensed physician you moron. We attend US accredited medical schools and residency programs. You’re an idiot. It is clear you have no idea what a D.O. is.
— larryfunk (@larryfunk121) March 14, 2020
Of course, Rangappa got mad at the “incel Twitter party” held at her expense for not knowing what a D.O. is:
Serious question, has anyone ever figured out what she did at the bureau?
— Anang Mittal अनंग मित्तल (@anangbhai) March 14, 2020
Bring Mueller his coffee, probably.
— Varad Mehta (@varadmehta) March 14, 2020
if she was a lead on prosecuting a terrorist case or something we would know by now right? I guess kudos for living off the credentials, no matter how insubstantial.
— Anang Mittal अनंग मित्तल (@anangbhai) March 14, 2020
Aunty got mad
— Anang Mittal अनंग मित्तल (@anangbhai) March 14, 2020
Not owned! CNN’s Asha Rangappa admits to all the angry ‘Trump Boo Boos’ that Joe Biden was using a teleprompter
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) March 12, 2020
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