We’re old enough to remember two things: first, if you question the outcome of an election it’s a threat to democracy itself, and second, if you accuse the media of bias, you’re literally putting journalists’ lives in danger.
So where does Obama bro Tommy Vietor get off saying that every Democrat in the country now has a reason to doubt CNN’s objectivity, just because they hired Jeff Sessions’ former spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores as a political editor?
This is absolutely insane @CNNPolitics. Why on earth would you hire a right-wing hack to oversee political coverage in 2020? You just gave every Democrat in the country a reason to doubt your objectivity. https://t.co/bjRKPqAIm6
— Tommy Vietor (@TVietor08) February 19, 2019
I guess if you call @CNNPolitics fake news enough times you can scare Jeff Zucker into hiring your sycophants. Good to know!
— Tommy Vietor (@TVietor08) February 19, 2019
that Serious People in politics think cable news has "objectivity" to begin with is uh, a concern….
— Zachary Siegel (@ZachWritesStuff) February 19, 2019
This is such a dumb "well, actually" response. There is an obvious difference between hiring a GOP hack / session aide and, say, a journalist.
— Tommy Vietor (@TVietor08) February 19, 2019
Wow, we haven’t seen Vietor this fired up since MSNBC hired his fellow Obama bro Ben Rhodes as a political contributor last summer. Oh, wait …
So ABC should fire George Stephanopoulos then, right?#Hypocrite
— Bonnie O (@bloc52) February 19, 2019
@GStephanopoulos is on Line 1 for you…
— Factor One (@dafactor1) February 19, 2019
Where did he get his journalism degree again?
Care to comment on CNN hiring the son and brother of Dem NY governors, or Obama hiring the brother of CBS news, or ABC hiring Clinton advisor as chief political correspondent?
— Sawyer (@hipstersawyer) February 19, 2019
Cool story. Now do any one of the Clinton/Obama/DNC hacks / aides who've gone back and forth between those administrations and 'journalist' positions in the mainstream media. Good grief, man.
— MidasRex (@MidasRex1998) February 19, 2019
The problem with the self-deluded left, summed up in one completely tone-deaf Tweet.
— They'll come 4U2 (@mike_pish) February 19, 2019
Wow. Self-awareness level – zero.
— Annais Bond (@AnnaisBond) February 19, 2019
The lack of awareness in the tweet is incredible
— Eli Clark ? (@Clark24Eli) February 19, 2019
Democrats think the news is "objective" when it's run by Democrats.
Good one Tommy…good one.
— Chris G (@ChrisGTwoAgain) February 19, 2019
When hiring one opposing voice makes you lose your shit.
— Rusty Weiss ??? (@rustyweiss74) February 19, 2019
It's so fun to watch liberals show their true colors. And 10x as fun to watch them have a meltdown when they don't get their way. I'm guessing this was @TVietor08 soon after tweeting this. pic.twitter.com/PM43dys4Jw
— Jon Nicosia (@NewsPolitics) February 19, 2019
If the hire of a single republican at one of the many news orgs dominated by dem activists drives you this batty, you should be complimenting every right leaning news consumer for their patience and maturity by contrast.
— Adam Trahan (@AdamTrahan) February 19, 2019
OMG. You are the last person on the planet that should be bitching about political hackery, brah. Maybe @CNN wants to pull their ratings out of the toilet by pretending to be objective.
— Lady Hecate (@Hecate40) February 19, 2019
"Insane: @CNN let's a right wing person give her opinion!" You might have forgotten that CNN is supposed to be a news channel, not a propaganda machine. It seems they try to win back some reasonable right wing viewers and become less partisan. Seems like a good move.
— PanEuropeanMovement (@EuropeanPan) February 19, 2019
On the contrary, an alternative viewpoint would probably increase their credibility for most people who are willing to understand there are 2 sides to most issues (people with brains)
— Brian Coons (@Brian_Coons) February 19, 2019
Or every conservative who has given up on CNN as a valid objective news source (but wants to hear varying perspectives) a reason to peek back in. Echo chamber much, Tommy?
— Donna White (@donnawhite) February 19, 2019
damn, you're being even more obtuse than normal
— Dañiel Simpson (@DSimpson88) February 19, 2019
It’s OK, you can still drive the van.
— Dick Pic (@Kootice) February 19, 2019
The biggest soy-infused ObamaBro wants his cable propaganda 100% blue and pure.
Beep-Beep-Beep. Van driver coming through!
— Max Peters (@TikiMaximus) February 19, 2019
Maybe you should #LearnToCode
— Gregimus (@murgatr0id) February 19, 2019
We’re guessing this one hire will move CNN’s bias to the right … not at all. She’ll get sucked into the CNN hive mind just like other people we won’t mention. *cough Oliver Darcy cough*
A lot to process (ha!) Replies to MSNBC hiring Ben 'Obama Bro' Rhodes will have you in STITCHES https://t.co/UWbBHPKMoI
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) June 3, 2018
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