Having long forgotten all those Christmas Eve pieces about how President Trump was blowing off the military this year, we’re now getting confirmation that Mr. and Mrs. Trump made another stop, this one at Ramstein Air Base.
Happening Now – President @realDonaldTrump and @FLOTUS meet with Troops at Ramstein Air Base. pic.twitter.com/myDcyFIQde
— Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) December 27, 2018
As Twitchy has reported, some soldiers in Iraq might have broken politicking in uniform regulations by having the visiting president sign their MAGA hats, and CNN is on it:
Video footage and the written report of Trump's visit with service members in Iraq showed signing of hats and a "Trump 2020" patch.
But troops' requests for the autographs could brush up against Department of Defense guidelines for political activities. https://t.co/jUUqF91bcX
— CNN (@CNN) December 27, 2018
There might be more trouble in Germany as some stationed there were photographed holding their MAGA hats, and even a Trump flag, in anticipation of the president’s visit.
#maga hat contingent at Ramstein waiting for President Trump pic.twitter.com/18wdP87vZK
— Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps) December 27, 2018
Bloomberg’s Jennifer Epstein also caught a Trump flag on camera:
Trump flag (she dropped it after she saw me taking a photo) pic.twitter.com/LhPwUNdEK3
— Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps) December 27, 2018
Seriously, this is strictly forbidden under military rules. Politicking not permitted. https://t.co/xRgaAbDUqw
— Bradley P. Moss (@BradMossEsq) December 27, 2018
Get her!!! Go on….there’s a service member’s life to be ruined! Don’t stop now!#Hack
— Lady L. North (@LadyLNorth) December 27, 2018
"You troops need to STFU and stop liking someone I hate! Now get back to protecting my freedoms!" https://t.co/vvnEpjOMZC
— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) December 27, 2018
Yeah, get 'em Bradley! Take those troops down!
Lawyers are the real heroes.— HoodlumDoodlum (@HoodlumDoodlum) December 27, 2018
Hey Barrister Brad, why don’t you go over and explain to these USN SEALs they’re in violation of DoD guidelines. ?? @jeneps pic.twitter.com/1chcc5DcEO
— Pete McSorley (@mcsorley_pete) December 27, 2018
Getting an autograph from the President is not politicking. Grow up, and stop being so pedantic.
— DM says Make Them Live By Their Rules (@idaho_expatriot) December 27, 2018
They are not showing support for a candidate, they are showing support for their President, for God’s sake#TrumpDerangementSyndrome is sad but true
— TheTruthWorker ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@TheTruthWorker) December 27, 2018
Its not politicking, its greeting the Commander and Chief.
— George Bentley Undocumented Blue Checkmark (@Geobent) December 27, 2018
There is no law against her holding that flag. She was not in duty at that moment.
— De Neef, Gino ,????, there is only♀️or♂️ (@GinoDN001) December 27, 2018
No one gave shit when it happened with Obama. Don’t liberals have anything better to do?
— Beto,Beto, Where for art thou Beto (@jtinfo) December 27, 2018
Go over there and tell these brave men and women that they are not doing it properly in your opinion. Or maybe grow up and allow these men and women who protect our freedom a little happiness while serving.
— Brandon Saario (@SaarioBrandon) December 27, 2018
How fun, the press is now going to unleash Twitter trolls on a soldier to punish wrong think.
— CKent (@CKentDP) December 27, 2018
Brave work there. Lol.
— Scrooge Knievel (@MetricButtload) December 27, 2018
This is why the press isn’t popular outside of the east coast…. https://t.co/78ErzMznMP
— EducatédHillbilly™ (@RobProvince) December 27, 2018
Ratting out service members to own the Prez!!!! So cool of you.
— epcpotown (@epcpotown) December 27, 2018
Here we go again…
Tomorrow, Mueller will likely add this “incident” to his list of potential campaign violations… should guarantee him six more months of special prosecutor pay..— Ike ?? (@ike_salado_tx) December 27, 2018
They’re deployed. They’re overworked. And negative press attention can really damage their careers. This is a minor sin, if that. Let’s leave those nice people alone. https://t.co/yoHKfmtzVZ
— John Noonan (@noonanjo) December 27, 2018
Read the awful people replying to the original tweet. They are so full of hatred over what was likely an innocent (and small) mistake that they’re demanding blood.
Know precisely zero about her, but want her ruined. Twitter is terrible.
— John Noonan (@noonanjo) December 27, 2018
Yes, it is terrible:
This is troubling. To bring a Trump glad instead of an American one? That’s how dictators rise.
— Resisting Best I Can (@JCRatchSR) December 27, 2018
— Sue R (@suerunne) December 27, 2018
Can they see her name on her uniform and reprimand her? This is absolutely out of line!
— Carolyn Adams (@CAFA1968) December 27, 2018
Can someone zoom in far enough? This is important.
Too dumb to serve!
— MsResist (@imaresister) December 27, 2018
She should get an Article 15 and cough up a couple hundred bucks.
— CovFeFe Forever (@coffee_vinyl) December 27, 2018
I would hope she faces consequences.
— Michele Mouse (@MouseFahy) December 27, 2018
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