As Twitchy reported earlier, Los Angeles Times consumer columnist David Lazarus tweeted this little tidbit:
Polls consistently show that the more educated you are, the more likely you'll vote Democrat. If I was a Republican politician, I'd really pause to consider that
— David Lazarus (@Davidlaz) November 4, 2018
Twitchy collected some of the very best replies to Lazarus’ tweet, but he seems to think the pitchforks were out because of a grammar error, not because of a disagreement over the substance of the issue.
I tweeted about polls showing that better-educated people tend to vote Democratic. Conservatives broke out their pitchforks and came after me not for the substance of the issue but a minor grammar error in my tweet
— David Lazarus (@Davidlaz) November 5, 2018
— Dog Johnson Jr. (@DonJohnsonthe2) November 5, 2018
Um, no.
When conservatives disagree with you intellectually, why do they respond so emotionally — that is, why do they lose their shit so easily?
— David Lazarus (@Davidlaz) November 5, 2018
Wait a minute … you said conservatives didn’t disagree with you intellectually; they just criticized your grammar (odd for a less educated bunch to be sticklers for grammar, but there you have it).
It was more than a minor grammar issue. It was completely ignorant.
— DesertNoir (@DesertNightNoir) November 5, 2018
Yeah, that's what it was. Certainly no one flagged you on your overweening condescension.
— susan price (@sbprice) November 6, 2018
Actually a review of that thread shows you getting brutally owned over and over again.
— Chris (@chrimyer) November 5, 2018
You were soundly owned for the substance of your tweet. Again and again. #fakenews
— VolFan4Ever (@kimmyd11) November 5, 2018
I read the replies. They are complaining about the substance.
— Sophophile (@sophophile1) November 5, 2018
Actually many came after you for the substance of the issue, but you ignored those.
— Diane (@SoCalValleyGal) November 5, 2018
Looked like the majority were substantive arguments. Did your vaunted indoctrination center forget to teach you how to recognize that as well?
— NCFitz (@NCFitz) November 5, 2018
Fact Check: I came after the substance:
— Hunter Cawood (@HunterCawood) November 6, 2018
Polls show?
How about citing peer-reviewed scientific research if you want to be taken seriously and not come-off as a smarmy job.
Example: here's one out of Oxford that contradicts your talking point.!
— The Bulldog (@rightlineblog) November 5, 2018
You tweeted about a single poll by D. Lazarus, Inc. taken at UC Santa Cruz, Upper West Side, NYC, Cambridge, MA and with non-native residents of Austin, TX. But not surprisingly, you've chosen to double-down on this misleading poll and re-state your arrogant prejudice.
— lex (@lex6m) November 5, 2018
Your tweet deserves every single bit of criticism it’s receiving. You know damn well it’s not because of a grammar error that has people riled up. Your elitist, piss poor attitude of your fellow Americans because they think different politically than you is inexcusable & gross.
— JenniferW (@JenWoodruff79) November 5, 2018
“Came our with pitchforks” = “they disagreed”
— Servant of Blexit (@fairtaxman) November 6, 2018
Said something dumb, (rightly) received a Twitter dragging and now you’re whining about it…
The dear diary thing belongs to @Acosta , get your own gimmick.
— Patches O'Houlihan (@Earnest_T_Base) November 5, 2018
— Conservative Review (@CR) November 6, 2018
Claiming the mantle of higher education while being unable to construct a proper sentence is proper grounds for getting trashed.
Additionally, try reading all the comments regarding education vs indoctrination in response to your unoriginal, vapid tweet.
— DJ (@DJNYified) November 6, 2018
Your tweet was not only inaccurate, it was offensive. You didn’t even cite your biased source. It was merely a way to make republicans feel inferior and democrats superior on the day before elections. I don’t think your degree in History from UC, Berkeley, has served you well.
— Julie Jelley (@jjelley) November 5, 2018
Not one of the more rigorous disciplines, is it?
The poll in my house says that people with a B.A. in Education and with a B.S. in Biology and an M.S. in Biochemistry tend to vote GOP.
— Ron Fox (@R_W_Fox) November 5, 2018
Well to be fair, if you’re going to tweet about educational attainment levels and claim a set of facts, using proper grammar seems to be a given. However, I’d be the exception to your overly generalized rule. B.S. Pol Sci, J.D. both at Texas A&M.
— Brad Wyatt (@BradWyatt88) November 5, 2018
I'll be your huckleberry. I have enough time and knowledge in my field of study (IT/Networking) to instruct advanced courses in compiler design and electronic designs of ISs. I am mid-right in politics. Your education level doesn't mean shit for politics; it's morals that do.
— Jon Harbinger (@HarbingerOfTime) November 5, 2018
Define "better educated." Does it mean those who attended a liberal dominated school or those with common sense?
— sk (@DropShotWinner) November 6, 2018
I can tweak your tweet to make it fit reality: Voters who were educated by socialist teachers tend to vote Democratic. There. Fixed it for you.
— AnnLillianBond (@AnnLillianBond) November 5, 2018
If one is going to point to the depth of their intellect based on time & money spent to get a higher education one might take the time to do so correctly. As to the "substance" it might be that Republicans do not allow their schooling to get in the way of their education.
— TXJayhwk (@TXJayhwk) November 5, 2018
I read a study as well, it was about the more educated someone becomes the less likely they are to think. Common sense & common decency has been lost by people such as yourself. I don't think any parent sent their child to college so they would hold it over other peoples heads.
— Maddie (@MoronPolice72) November 5, 2018
Let's correctly translate the stats since highly educated are on both sides: College-aged kids & recent graduates who have never held a job or whose parents are footing the bill vote democrat
— Aletheia (@AletheiaZeteo) November 5, 2018
No I think people were exposing how arrogant you must feel while exposing that your education doesnt make you smart. But then again polls arent very reliable, remember 2016?
— tom nondahl (@tlntrux) November 5, 2018
You're getting ratio'd on this one too.
— Just Tom (@tcal1961) November 5, 2018
You poor thing.
— Turgot (@Secret_du_Roy) November 6, 2018
Don’t play the victim card
— Josh (@Jiiggzz) November 5, 2018
Go find your safe place – it's likely in an academic setting.
— Victor Runge (@VictorRunge) November 6, 2018
Dude, you got rightfully hammered. Take the “L” like a man.
— Marc Santos (@Marc94528923) November 5, 2018
RATIO alert! L.A. Times columnist floats some seriously ‘elitist bullsh*t’ for Republicans to consider (who wants to tell him?)
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) November 5, 2018
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