As Twitchy reported, major media outlets are still interviewing therapists and pushing out stories about “Trump Anxiety Disorder,” but lest sufferers take any solace in their belief that the president will be impeached as a result of the Mueller probe, New York Times columnist Frank Bruni stepped up Saturday to remind them that impeachment would result only in President Mike Pence, which likely would be even worse.
Mike Pence, Holy Terror
— The New York Times (@nytimes) July 28, 2018
There are problems with impeaching Donald Trump. A big one is the holy terror waiting in the wings.
That would be Mike Pence, who mirrors the boss more than you realize. He’s also self-infatuated. Also a bigot. Also a liar. Also cruel.
To that brimming potpourri he adds two ingredients that Trump doesn’t genuinely possess: the conviction that he’s on a mission from God and a determination to mold the entire nation in the shape of his own faith, a regressive, repressive version of Christianity. Trade Trump for Pence and you go from kleptocracy to theocracy.
Wow, he sounds awful. We’d better do everything we can to keep Trump in office and healthy.
Bruni dusting off long-forgotten Yglesias takes from the primary. Sure, Trump is terrible, but at least he’s not one of those conventional Republican freak shows.
— Mac McClung Fan Account (@LPDonovan) July 28, 2018
Trump is literally Hitler but we can’t get rid of Literally Hitler because of the real threat
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) July 28, 2018
Did someone say impeach Pence too?
— Jeryl Bier (@JerylBier) July 29, 2018
Don't get too comfortable, Ryan…
— Jeryl Bier (@JerylBier) July 29, 2018
President Hatch? I don't think so…
— Jeryl Bier (@JerylBier) July 29, 2018
Dream on, Mike!
— Jeryl Bier (@JerylBier) July 29, 2018
Don’t scoff — Mueller’s going to take them all down and we’re going to re-do the election.
I love this conundrum. ???
— Jody Taylor (@JodyTaylor10) July 28, 2018
Even moar literally holy Hitler
— Unfiltered ℂhristian ن (@nofilterchristn) July 28, 2018
If there’s anything worse than Hitler, it’s Mike Pence.
— Alberto de la Cruz (@albertodelacruz) July 29, 2018
If he was “literally Hitler,” they’d get rid of him at any cost. Perhaps it’s just hyperbole. ?
— Jackie Chea (@Fair_and_Biased) July 29, 2018
Christian Hitler: Literally In Your Bedroom.
— DamnSkippy (@BottaGetta) July 28, 2018
Holy Hitler
— ed (@eleventy17) July 28, 2018
— DeploredByRomney (@AiderNr) July 29, 2018
Literally Hitler is way worse than his brother Fuguratively Hitler and they both make Adolf look like a sad underachieving older brother.
— Tahkyn (@TahkynZ) July 28, 2018
Literally Hitler and Holy Terror sounds like an early 80s metal tour.
— Royal Paine (@TheRoyalePain) July 29, 2018
Trump is literally Hitler, but Pence is Ultra Maga Super Literally Hitler.
— Serious Journalist Man (@HasUhPulitzer) July 29, 2018
Republicans are measured in units of Hitlers in the way torque is rated by units of Newton. Trump? Currently one decahitler. Pence? Apparently up to a kilohitler!
— I AM the one who codes (⊙_☉) (@DanielJeyn) July 29, 2018
In Hitler's defense, he did kill Hitler.
— furious_pounces_a (@furious_a) July 29, 2018
Nah. These people aren’t hysterical or anything.
— Crash (@Boognish12) July 28, 2018
So, this is from the person who used to be the food critic for NYT? ?
— Dylan Black (@dylanblack0801) July 28, 2018
I see the words from that article but I read is “reeeeeeeeeeeee!”
— Rx:Mayhem (@RxMayhem) July 28, 2018
— 5 O’Clock Shadow (@5OClockShadow_) July 29, 2018
Remember- Bush was "literally Hilter" "and a war criminal" too- and now they say "even Bush was better". What they really hate is Republicans winning. It's all political.
— Your Average Bot (@Just_Some_Bot) July 29, 2018
To the Left, the only thing worse than the current Republican is the next one.
— E.L (@Mootpoint21) July 29, 2018
— J. Shaka (@jjshaka) July 28, 2018
They only now thought of this?
— TriciaK (@Tribble_Bait) July 28, 2018
Absolute garbage #WalkAway
— ztrumpking (@ztrumpking) July 28, 2018
Joy Reid panelist: President Mike Pence would have all gays in concentration camps
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) April 28, 2018
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