As we have covered already thee press is full-on outrage today about a video meme that was adapted from the motion picture “Kingsman: The Secret Service”. In the video President Trumps’s face is superimposed on a character played by actor Colin Firth as he goes on a shooting spree inside of a church. The victims have their faces replaced with logos from major media outlets.
CNN’s Brian Stelter, of course, had to weigh in on this “tragedy”, but in so doing exposed yet another insipid stance by the media. Things are dumb enough with journalists saying they feel threatened by this video, as they spread details of said video. But then Stelter offers up this dose of outrage-deflating news.
The violent video showing a fake Trump murdering journalists and lawmakers has been up on YouTube for more than a year. And the video made its way to a pro-Trump conference at Doral last week, per the NYT.
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) October 14, 2019
Now, what’s that you say, Brian?! This video has been out for more than a year??
— Jack Daley (@RealJackDaley) October 14, 2019
Well now, this surely puts a dent in the narrative. Considering that the press has been frothing over this since Sunday evening as if this were new, the fact that it has actually been around since the summer of 2018 sure feeds that “manufactured” feel to all of this outrage.
Why won’t any of the platforms take it down as it’s inciting violence. Isn’t it against policies?
— shari bryan (@redlionny) October 14, 2019
So, it's violated the YouTube TOS for a year, and they didn't take it down. Gotcha.
It's been elevated by a Trump PAC. It's stochastic terrorism all the way down.
— lawhawk (@lawhawk) October 14, 2019
There is also the small problem of so many journalists claiming this is going to lead to violence against those in their industry. Looking back over 15 months we do not see any instances — that is back when this dangerous video was uploaded.
But hey, now that all of the media is broadcasting this video that they say is a danger and nobody should see, maybe their wish will in fact come true.
Because of the media, the video has now gone viral.
Before the media, barely anyone knew about it.
— Ben Jammin ?? (@xBenJamminx) October 14, 2019
Has everyone noticed that all of the media outraged about this 'vile anti-media video' are the only ones circulating this vile video, that nobody would have seen if not for the media circulating it?@redsteeze
— Brad Slager: Straight to DVD is Cis-Norm ? ??? (@MartiniShark) October 14, 2019
What is willfully overlooked is that the hand-wringing New York Times, which is so overly concerned about President Trump inspiring violence, has had no such concern when it comes to promoting violence against President Trump. In fact,the paper of record seems rather comfortable about that.
It was just about one year ago exactly when it published a fantasy assassination on President Trump.
The New York Times published a fictional story about President Trump’s assassination a day before several top Democrats were sent explosive devices in the mail.
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) October 25, 2018
And then recall the play that was staged in New York that showed the President being killed? It was co-sponsored by The Times, and they are rather supportive of free speech — sometimes…
Statement in 2017 from the New York Times on play that featured Trump Assassination:
”As an institution that believes in free speech for the arts as well as the media, we support the right of the Public Theater to stage the production as they chose.”
— Jeff Carlson (@themarketswork) October 14, 2019
Yes, we know, there we go again –expecting the leftists and the press to be held up to the same standards they demand of others. When will we ever learn…?
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