Twitchy readers have seen quite a few ‘dumb tweets,’ but this one by journalist Alec MacGillis fails on many so levels it is hard to pick out which part of it is actually the dumbest. We could give a detailed civics lesson here but we will just give an overview and then let the people of the Twitterverse expand upon it. The main thing a person needs to know about America is that we are a Republic, we elect our leaders in a democratic fashion and that is why some people often call us a democracy. The number of representatives in the house is based on population and the number of Senators in the Senate is based on the number of states with each state getting two senators.
"The Senate today is split 50-50 between the two parties. But the 50 Democratic senators effectively represent 186 million Americans, while the 50 Republican senators effectively represent 145 million." @DLeonhardt:
— Alec MacGillis (@AlecMacGillis) September 18, 2022
Twitter took MacGillis to school and it was fun to watch.
The Senate isn't population based🙄@manofjustice007
— MrsPinky |Author🇺🇸 Iconic (@MRSpinkston85) September 19, 2022
Another Blue Check moron who doesn’t understand Civics. Senators don’t “effectively represent” ANY Americans, they “effectively represent” States.
— MatthewWalton (@JoeBTolliver) September 19, 2022
How come so many of us know this but ‘the journalist’ did not? Our theory is that he does know it, he just likes to make up his own narrative and pretends he doesn’t in order to get the clicks.
Not our system
If you want it to be our system, change the Constitution— Extremely extreme 1A (@starboard_light) September 19, 2022
EXACTLY! We are not a full-out democracy, it is not mob rule here, and if Mr. MacGillis wants it to be then he and his friends need to change the constitution. Good luck with that one, it is quite the process. 🙂
For those of you who flunked Civics or who, due to your misfortune in having been born too late, were never taught anything about the American system:
Since the initial election of 1788 this has been a feature and not a bug.
So, just stop.
— Nick Uva (@nickuva) September 19, 2022
RIGHT ON! It was designed that way on purpose as a FEATURE, not a problem to be fixed.
Liberals fail basic civics all the time — and they experience this phenomenon when they don’t get their way. The senate is working as it was designed; it was never meant to be a representative body based on population; they represent the states.
— Mike Dury (@MikeDury) September 19, 2022
Everyone who isn't intellectually dishonest knows the Senate doesn't give a hoot about a state's population.
House of Representatives? Sure. But, not the Senate.
— Javier Vasquez (@JavierVasquez85) September 19, 2022
Wrong. Fifty senators represent 25 states. Take a #Civics class, whydontya…?
— Gerald Dearing ن (@nofixedabode) September 19, 2022
He may not even have to take a Civics class, he could just read this little article and get all of the info he needs, and it will only take 5 minutes of his life. We highly recommend you suggest that shortcut to any and all of your liberal friends who don’t understand basic Civics as well.
These are the kinds of insipid arguments you get from people who prefer to break institutions to get what they want rather than win on the merits.
— Jack in the East (@talkradio200) September 19, 2022
Trying to ‘fix’ something that is not broken has been a staple of the Democrat party for decades.
That, my dear, is the brilliance of the Constitution: designed to prevent the majority from steamrolling over the minority.
Urban Left, if you don't like it, feel free to move out of the United States, ideally forever, since for the most part you destroy everything you touch.
— Nan Hayworth, M.D. (@NanHayworth) September 19, 2022
Can we get an AMEN? As much as the left complains about everything and always threatens to move if ‘blank’ doesn’t happen, can they just move already? We know that is wishful thinking, but we can dream, can’t we?
We need better civics education exhibit eleventy hundred.
— Dawn (@aurora_g96) September 19, 2022
YASSS!!! We at Twitchy cover this insanity day in and day out. So yes, this is example number eleventy hundred but we don’t mind. We will keep covering the stupid, you guys keep reading about it and most of all, keep calling out the ignorance when you see it!
Editor’s Note:
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