In an interview with Greta Van Susteren on Fox News tonight, Sarah Palin offered an endorsement to Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) in his re-election bid.
Hatch, a six-term senator with a big-government voting record and nearly four decades of costly progressive partnerships with the likes of Ted Kennedy and his old pal Arlen Specter, has been closely watched in this election cycle given that he is currently fighting his first contested primary against state legislator, acclaimed pension reformer, and former Bain businessman Dan Liljenquist.
Is this a nail in the coffin of Sarah Palin’s conservative credibility or just another endorsement for conservatives to fight about and then forget tomorrow?
Twitter reaction:!/red_red_head/status/205118837459394562!/BrainLemon/status/205118409871069185!/CorieWhalen/status/205120077362757632!/ChadKentSpeaks/status/205120069016096768!/michaelpleahy/status/205119536423378944!/MaroonedInMarin/status/205120025953173506!/Afterseven/status/205119817647263744!/Tracyannie/status/205119728249880576!/ThePantau/status/205119400997699587!/SteveBayrd/status/205122295386222595!/jimccarson/status/205121630333190145
What’s most puzzling, of course, is that Palin has endorsed several other anti-establishment Tea Party favorites in GOP Senate primaries across the country, including Richard Mourdock in Indiana, Ted Cruz in Texas, and Deb Fischer in Nebraska.
It’s even more eyebrow-raising given that Palin made the endorsement on Greta Van Susteren’s show. Van Susteren’s husband has been a significant donor to Hatch over the years.
Yeah. It’s a head-scratcher. But instead of worrying about Palin, grass-roots conservatives looking to boot another old entrenched incumbent will need to redouble their efforts.
Go here for Liljenquist’s campaign website and donation page.
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